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Search results

  1. Furiianda

    My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

    It is pretty pro-religion I suppose, but (especially to kids) it's not necessarily what the episode means. After all, they were referencing Pinkie Pie and not God or anything. Shows can be called out for having un-Christian values so I think it's understandable they'd put an episode like that...
  2. Furiianda

    I need help.

    uuuhhmmm if you go to livejournal.com they have a different prompt every day or something (: I think they're good! (Not an avid writer or anything, though.) Or just google "prompts for writing" if you will.
  3. Furiianda

    Public assurance you say? Assuring the public?! WOOHOO! ...And well, uh, I dunno how to contact...

    Public assurance you say? Assuring the public?! WOOHOO! ...And well, uh, I dunno how to contact Obama, sorry? >: Oh yeah and like Vancouver is beating Melbourne or something (city I live in/nearby) as the bestest city ever so it must be cool right?! Of course, I have no idea just how good both...
  4. Furiianda

    Oh south park? They make fun of everything, even themselves {: I wouldn't worry too much, I just...

    Oh south park? They make fun of everything, even themselves {: I wouldn't worry too much, I just wanted to say, Canada sounds great!
  5. Furiianda

    JUST CURIOUS About your post in the "ideas?" thread I liek Squirtles posted, you implied there...

    JUST CURIOUS About your post in the "ideas?" thread I liek Squirtles posted, you implied there was something wrong about living in Canada? o_ó what would that be? (or did I just misunderstand that)
  6. Furiianda

    Invader Zim Returns?

    Is this right? Apparently if enough copies of this DVD sell Nickelodeon will consider buying Invader Zim for more production season things! It's in the comments there, and on wikipedia, and was mentioned by a friend of mine on xfire this morning. ...It also seems to be NTSC only and not...
  7. Furiianda

    you get some bloody odd types round here

    Well they ARE really nice and usable and stuff, and annoying to replace when you lose them. It's quite understandable that it was stolen! Also for those of you who don't have them -- which is kinda strange considering how convenient they are -- they're not metal, round, or small enough to wear...
  8. Furiianda

    My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

    ... That is pretty fantastic [:
  9. Furiianda

    Illustrated Adventures

    The humans he knows live in small, flammable homes and run screaming and wailing when they see him. Boooring. Maybe it is time to see where else he could go, considering how much he's eaten. He probably needs to fly it off or he'll get self-conscious. The humans are probably too silly to be able...
  10. Furiianda

    Illustrated Adventures

    Wow this is much better when I use pen! Well, after a little wait, it looked like the cows weren't going to ignite themselves... how disappointing. Time to give them a little help! But there was one problem. Far too many cows... As you can see, Versilius must be thinking to himself, "Why did...
  11. Furiianda

    Illustrated Adventures

    I promise it won't be blotchy again next time >: Versilius takes a nice, long, scenic flight over the countryside... Suddenly he comes across a paddock. But, there are no sheep... It's filled with cows! They're all nice and penned in too. How convenient! But maybe it's a bit early to be...
  12. Furiianda

    Illustrated Adventures

    Hi! This is a choose-your-own-adventure style comic strip. Basically, what you do is post a suggested course of action for us (the artists) to illustrate and incorporate into the adventure. Alraune will be helping out with these! We'll pick suggestions we like, and you can suggest as many things...
  13. Furiianda

    Red's ICY COLD Adventure [WIP IF/TA]

    Ahh, okay, that explains it. Was using look/look at, since it's the first thing that occurred to me... I guess? I look forward to the cave! I'm not normally big on caves but when it's in text it's totally cool. (Unless you're going to have one of those "all the rooms look the same! go memorise...
  14. Furiianda

    Red's ICY COLD Adventure [WIP IF/TA]

    Sure! I'll do that. Works fine on the other computer with Demona. I feel so retro playing a text game. But considering how long it took to start up I should probably try the others... (Real feedback: coming soon! oh yeah, and I'm disappointed that you can't eat your hat) EDIT: Yes, "Windows...
  15. Furiianda

    Red's ICY COLD Adventure [WIP IF/TA]

    Hi! Totally interested to test but the program doesn't work on my computer. Looked through the error log Demona gave me and it said "System.BadImageFormatException" along with a bunch of numbers (I can run it again if you're interested in them). My guess is that it's something to do with running...
  16. Furiianda

    I am going to need physics help in the near future.

    I suck at physics but, I know from my boyfriend that anything he couldn't quite remember from class was on Wikipedia somewhere! Not surprising I guess, since so many people who like computers and the internet are huge mathematical buffs. If you're desperate (and kinda know what you need) you can...
  17. Furiianda


    So glad I didn't decide to heal Derpy Hooves... (I was thinking about it!) I feel sorry for the mafia though, really 0_O I mean couldn't we have had one or two more?! The proportion seems a little off, though I guess there was some seriously ridiculous RNG helping out. Congratulations PK on...
  18. Furiianda


    User: What day is it? Cleverbot: It is Monday. User: Isn't it? Cleverbot: No. User: It isn't? Cleverbot: Yes. Ha HA! EDIT: User: Is it Monday? Cleverbot: No. It is not.
  19. Furiianda


    Uh, well, actually, I would do that. :3 Really though, why is that evidence?? I mean people usually just pump the thing full of pop culture and leave, but... they could say aaanything they liked. I really think it's just a bot. Like it says. I'd think that, even after these experiments, nobody...
  20. Furiianda

    Do you identify as a feminist?

    *shrug* Sure, it's not specifically marketed. But things to do with cars are traditionally "boy things" anyway aren't they? (And she never had a go at the puzzle ): maybe she already tried and got bored of it though..) EDIT: OH WAIT NO There's a pink car in it, so clearly it's for girls too...
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