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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

you get some bloody odd types round here

Uneducated Americans... don't even know what a wheelie bin is... can't even Google it...
We don't even get a wheelie at our place. We just get a very strict allowance of city-council-granted binbags that we keep forgetting to put out on Thursday nights so they sit in our hallway and smell. :/
us uneducated americans preffer to call them "trash cans with wheels on the bottom"

Or waste receptacles.

Or circular barrels full of trash with little rolly things on the bottom.

But back to the subject, why on earth would somebody steal one?
Oh, was that your house? Sorry, man. Didn't realize you'd miss it so much. You can have it back as soon as I find another wheelie bin for the bodies.
Well they ARE really nice and usable and stuff, and annoying to replace when you lose them. It's quite understandable that it was stolen!
Also for those of you who don't have them -- which is kinda strange considering how convenient they are -- they're not metal, round, or small enough to wear on your head conveniently ): in fact they're... uh... I mean if you crouch you can become invisible inside one I guess.
Wait, so what DO you guys use if not wheelie bins? Do you actually lift all your trash? :o
This is a wheelie bin, is it not? We do have those. We just don't call them wheelie bins. They're trash cans with wheels. I have several at the top of my driveway that look just like that, if of different colors and in various states of disrepair.

I suppose I'll just have to put the bodies in those, then, if gq's going to be all whiny about it. I wanted a nicer one for the bodies. Why can't I have nice things.
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