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you get some bloody odd types round here

I was so so so confused with what a "wheelie bin" was. And now I still I can't get over how silly it sounds.


Wheelie bin. (I just call them garbage cans :x)
"can" implies to me that they're made of metal and/or cylindrical, which they're not.

Anyway that's sillier than that time someone threw a traffic cone into our garden.

EDIT: Do you Americans call swivel chairs something different?
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EDIT: Do you Americans call swivel chairs something different?

Not really, at least I don't. I'm sure that some people around here know them as "chairs with wheels on the bottom" but most people I know call them "swivel chairs".

I feel like they're called something else too but I can't remember @_@
Uh spinny chairs!

And I mean, people steal trollies just to throw them in canals, so bin stealing isn't too strange.
When ours was stolen, the council guy told us to just go steal it back.
first aloominum and now this

Aloominum because we're generally smart enough not to add unnecessary letters or syllables to words. Why would I want to say aluminium when I can just say aluminum? Silly Englanders.

inb4 "trash can with wheels is longer than wheelie bin"; we usually just call them trash cans outright. Which is in fact fewer syllables than "wheelie bin".

Not really, at least I don't. I'm sure that some people around here know them as "chairs with wheels on the bottom" but most people I know call them "swivel chairs".

I feel like they're called something else too but I can't remember @_@

Swivel chairs, office chairs, secretarial chairs, desk chairs, computer chairs...? They're called lots of things, and I hardly imagine that most of those names are exclusive to America.
A trash can? wat why didn't you just say that
because literally no-one around here uses the word 'trash'. we prefer 'rubbish'.

Oh, was that your house? Sorry, man. Didn't realize you'd miss it so much. You can have it back as soon as I find another wheelie bin for the bodies.
please do clean it out before you give it back to us. :3
Aloominum because we're generally smart enough not to add unnecessary letters or syllables to words. Why would I want to say aluminium when I can just say aluminum? Silly Englanders.

If you really wanted to save letters and syllables you'd do what we do and say "tin" instead. :3

Plus it's more like "a-luh-min-yum" than "a-luh-min-ee-um". Unless I've been saying it wrong forever.
Plenty of people here do call it tin even though that's not actually what it is.

I have definitely heard people say "a-loo-min-ee-um". But maybe they were wrong.
It's 'al-oo-min-ee-um'. Just because Americans are too lazy to write one extra letter GOD
Actually, the person who discovered aluminum renamed the element from "aluminium" to "aluminum". We Americans dutifully adopted the new name, while you silly English/British/people-who-live-in-the-various-parts-of-the-UK complained about element #13 not fitting the pattern.
It already had a perfectly good name! I am not 'silly' for retaining the original spelling and pronunciation of something. The discover doesn't really have the ~rights~ to make me call aluminium anything. IT'S LIKE CALLING A TV A TREE OR SOMETHING

Clearly Americans are just ***sheeple***
Sheeple who get to expend less effort saying a word that doesn't have to be as long as you're making it out to be!

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go watch some tree.
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