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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

you get some bloody odd types round here

Espeon said:
*fabulous purple*


Although black ones are my favorite because it's harder to see the blood. that way.

I use a mixture.

For example, despite my being American, I spell apologise as apologize.


But being American means that you spell apologise as apologize!
> find slope
> steal your mum's wheelie bin
> stand in wheelie bin
> get someone to push you down slope
How in the heck does a thread about a trash can get four pages of replies?

I'm not sure, but I think i'm disappointed.
I am not lazy, nor will I be. Unlike other people, I actually know how to use proper grammar and spelling. :/ (And I don't mean anyone on this forum. I belong to another forum full of noobs who can't spell).

But it's a forum, not an essay! Who cares if someone's spelling and grammar on an internet site are perfect? People who can't spell very well can also make interesting, valid points! As long as you understand what they're saying, what does it matter?

(I had to look at your post to see if it was spelt 'grammar' or 'grammer'. If I had put 'grammer', do you imagine that anyone wouldn't know what I'm talking about?)

This isn't a specific attack on you, by the way, just a bit of a rant that's been bubbling below the surface for a while.
can someone explain to me why those plastic bins with wheels (also known as wheelie bins in australia, too) are called trash cans? they're not even made out of metal, they're plastic; there's nothing canny about them!
Dannichu said:
Half the time, I say "going to the pictures" because I am secretly from the fifties.

oh my god I used to do this too but none of my friends liked it. :c
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But it's a forum, not an essay! Who cares if someone's spelling and grammar on an internet site are perfect? People who can't spell very well can also make interesting, valid points! As long as you understand what they're saying, what does it matter?

(I had to look at your post to see if it was spelt 'grammar' or 'grammer'. If I had put 'grammer', do you imagine that anyone wouldn't know what I'm talking about?)

This isn't a specific attack on you, by the way, just a bit of a rant that's been bubbling below the surface for a while.

What annoys me isn't people who spell things incorrectly, it's people who know it's wrong but do it anyway for whatever reason.
How in the heck does a thread about a trash can get four pages of replies?

I'm not sure, but I think i'm disappointed.

And who are you to regulate what people can and can't talk about?

I was rather happy people were pleased by my purple bins.

Also, with regards to people who type things like "before" as "b4", it does get to a stage where I can't understand it any more. Text language is a fallacy. :(
can someone explain to me why those plastic bins with wheels (also known as wheelie bins in australia, too) are called trash cans? they're not even made out of metal, they're plastic; there's nothing canny about them!

We're calling them wheelie bins! D: Americans just haven't discovered the merits of wheeled bins.
I suppose it's the same reasoning behind you guys (do all European English-speakers do this or just Englanders?) calling wrenches 'spanners' even though they do not span anything. They wrench things.
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