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Search results

  1. Falthor

    Tales of the Fanclub

    Efreet - like the Guardian of Fire, Efreet? From Symphonia? That Sheena can summon herself?
  2. Falthor

    What do you think of fellow forumgoers

    Attentionwhoring, as well! What do you guys think of me?
  3. Falthor

    Tales of the Fanclub

    Best Tales game, then. Yeah, true, not the greatest game of all time. I think God of War is one of the greatest. But yeah. There are many good games out there that it is really hard to decide which one is greatest.
  4. Falthor

    YouTube Poop Fan Club

    I love the guy who does the "Final Spaghetti" sketch. That one is just classic.
  5. Falthor

    YouTube Poop Fan Club

    SPAGHETTI! It's so boring around here.
  6. Falthor

    What are you wearing right now?

    FMC: Are you a girl? :3 Dannichu: Yesh you do! >.< Ahhhh, confusion!
  7. Falthor

    Tales of the Fanclub

    Tales of Symphonia - best game ever. Logged in 68 hours so far. >< Still stuck at Latheon Gorge. In that same spot. xD
  8. Falthor

    Tales of the Fanclub

    I like English games. Messing around with other technology is unknown territory, and me + unknown territory = death and destruction. xD
  9. Falthor

    Tales of the Fanclub

    Looks pretty cool. I recently got into the Tales series, but the thing is, I haz no monies to buyz themz. xD
  10. Falthor

    Tales of the Fanclub

    From what game is Jade?
  11. Falthor

    What are you wearing right now?

    Yeah. Wait. Is that Genis? From ToS? AWESOME! (checked your profile, and saw your Visitor Messages, but no gender. Are you a dude or a dudette? xD - Some t-shirt - A. Eagle dorm pants - Socks - Boxers from earlier. xD
  12. Falthor

    YouTube Poop Fan Club

    You're in. Welcome aboard. And that's MAMA Luigi to you, Mario!
  13. Falthor

    YouTube Poop Fan Club

    Like watching YouTube Poop for a good laugh? Then this club is for you! Here, we can discuss the greatest videos of all time, including those with "SPAGHETTI," "my boyyyyy," and "MAMA Luigi." Top Members !1!1One11: My boyyyyyy - Falthor Other Boyyyys 2. Invader Palkia 3. Flareth 4. Markku V...
  14. Falthor

    What are you wearing right now?

    Full Metal Cookies, I think you and Dannichu are the same person at times. XD - Boxers
  15. Falthor

    The people who use the bottom screen of their DS to play GBA games club

    GBA Games on bottom screen = GBA feel. Period. Joinage!
  16. Falthor

    What are you wearing right now?

    Nothing. :D Yeah, I just thought I'd say that before I take a shower. *smacked*
  17. Falthor

    Tales of the Fanclub

    I like Psi Tempest more. xD I've never used Prism Stars before, so yeah. Highest combo: 59. I heard there was a title for Lloyd who completed a 60-hit combo: Combo Expert, was it?
  18. Falthor

    What do you think of fellow forumgoers

    Thanks, Tailsy. <3 I'll change my avatar soon.
  19. Falthor

    Tales of the Fanclub

    I use Lloyd, Sheena, Genis, and Raine in my Boss Battles. I didn't know that U. Attack. So, now, time for ultimate destruction. Lloyd: Sonic Thrust (not SUPER, just regular) Sheena: Mirage Seal Raine: Ray Genis: Tidal Wave/Cyclone (both dish the same damage and number of hits) Results: Loads...
  20. Falthor

    What if Pikachu evolved?

    What if Pikachu evolved? It'd be a Raichu. Period. I don't think it'd change personality at all. It'd just gain strength.
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