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Search results

  1. Murkrowfeather

    Ooh, you're on GPX+? /probably totally forgot if she ever knew

    Ooh, you're on GPX+? /probably totally forgot if she ever knew
  2. Murkrowfeather


    I have to agree. At first I was like, "Hey, is that Herculanum?" because I hadn't been on a Mac in a while, but then when I looked at it again I actually said out loud, in front of my friends, "Oh Mew, that's the Newbie Roleplayer Font! NO!" (If you've ever seen Neopets' roleplaying boards...
  3. Murkrowfeather

    Excuse me as I cough up a storm and try to return the clicks I got on GPX+.

    Excuse me as I cough up a storm and try to return the clicks I got on GPX+.
  4. Murkrowfeather

    YAY. Umm... Region buddies! :D /brick'd

    YAY. Umm... Region buddies! :D /brick'd
  5. Murkrowfeather

    xD I'm in New Jersey. So I guess we're not too far off, hmm? x3

    xD I'm in New Jersey. So I guess we're not too far off, hmm? x3
  6. Murkrowfeather

    Ooh, to where?

    Ooh, to where?
  7. Murkrowfeather

    I lost my iPod to a storm drain, got it back, expanded my iTunes library by about 375 songs (no...

    I lost my iPod to a storm drain, got it back, expanded my iTunes library by about 375 songs (no kidding) and haven't talked to you in almost a year.
  8. Murkrowfeather

    The "Fwee" Thread

    I dunno whether to be happy or sad about this. But, after spending eight hours in the storm drain, my iPod is in total working order. Therefore, I don't need to spend money to replace it. YAY! You know those old 2007 limited edition types; built to last, not to look good. (And look good it...
  9. Murkrowfeather

    [pokes] How YOU doin'?

    [pokes] How YOU doin'?
  10. Murkrowfeather


    I think one of the things I liked about this 3D movie was that they didn't go out of their way to remind you that it was 3D. Like, they only used that function when it needed to be used to really make the watcher pay attention, not just to say "Oh, hey, did you remember that THIS IS A 3D MOVIE...
  11. Murkrowfeather

    12th Movie = EPIC

    I liked Arceus' voice. It was a nice change from what I expected it to be - I had really excpected a deep, booming voice of terror-inducting doomliness, but what he was given was a lot less grating on my ears... and not to mention I actually imagined Arceus speaking like that. :D Anyway, the...
  12. Murkrowfeather

    GAH! *Digimon. xD Yep. ChaosGallantmon is waaay better. Personally I'm not a big fan of my own...

    GAH! *Digimon. xD Yep. ChaosGallantmon is waaay better. Personally I'm not a big fan of my own name, so Julia I'm on the fence about, but... However, I do wish it was 'Night Claw' like in the advertisements. Translation error much?
  13. Murkrowfeather

    No. I bought Dawn later, and aside from the Pokémon I think they're pretty much the same. |3

    No. I bought Dawn later, and aside from the Pokémon I think they're pretty much the same. |3
  14. Murkrowfeather

    I really just picked at random. :3

    I really just picked at random. :3
  15. Murkrowfeather

    I lost it... and Dusk too. D: But yeah, I agree, it's better than DS.

    I lost it... and Dusk too. D: But yeah, I agree, it's better than DS.
  16. Murkrowfeather

    Man, I miss that game. D:

    Man, I miss that game. D:
  17. Murkrowfeather

    Oh, niiice. I recently went on YouTube and watched the entire first and second seasons. :L...

    Oh, niiice. I recently went on YouTube and watched the entire first and second seasons. :L ...I'm listening to Butter-Fly right now. :o
  18. Murkrowfeather

    I've been writing fanfiction. LOTS of fanfiction. :3

    I've been writing fanfiction. LOTS of fanfiction. :3
  19. Murkrowfeather

    Evidently so! :D

    Evidently so! :D
  20. Murkrowfeather

    New user. Yep.

    ...Well, okay. Maybe not exactly. But I'd bet a few dollars that not many people remember me, so here goes. I'm Murky. Thirteen years old, wielder of the non-Joisey Jersey accent, avid fanfiction writer and wielder of a TCoD account of dubious activeness. My list of favorite Pokémon is a lengthy...
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