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  1. Murkrowfeather

    O.O That is one big Pikachu Collection

    Ohhh deararceus. This woman has the Pokécar! O_o
  2. Murkrowfeather

    In Progress The Galaxy Key; Remember me? (Dude... a new chapter!)

    This will be updated every Friday, starting tomorrow with Chapter Two. SUSPENSE! Well, I felt like migrating my (not so) MAJORLY SUCCESSFUL AND WIDELY LOVED work of fanfiction to The Cave of Dragonflies to share with you guys because quite frankly, I think it's a pretty good story and I'm very...
  3. Murkrowfeather

    Which skin/style do you use?

    Minimal Dewgong style. Roar of Time is too flashy, I don't like Axemurderer, and vBulletin is...well... VOICE OF THE FOREST PLZ
  4. Murkrowfeather

    Digimon Species Personality Quiz (my creation)

    Had trouble on #2. I love my Gaomon, but Demidevimon and Impmon are just to awesome. D: Anyway, my score is... E, B/H, E, F, F, H, D, G I'm a deep-sea swimming machine... ZOMG ROBOTIC KYOGRE COOL :D Digimon FTW! (And also Pokémon. I'm neutral on that debate.)
  5. Murkrowfeather

    What Games Are You Playing?

    Pokémon Diamond (replay), Digimon World: Dusk, The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (on hiatus of sorts), Sonic and the Secret Rings, SSBB's Subspace Emissary. I want Mario and Luigi: Partners in Time really bad.
  6. Murkrowfeather

    my homework involves poll... answer ASAP

    White. Feel the powah.
  7. Murkrowfeather

    hello i am a new person here

    Spellchecklates? Those things always taste better with Grammarsauce. Welcome to tCoD Forums, and have a hoot. xD You're gonna have a lot of fun here, I guarantee. ^^
  8. Murkrowfeather


    Plus, sometimes you lose things when you jot them down. (i think that's what happened with Harry Potter, in fact. xP)
  9. Murkrowfeather

    If it makes you feel any better, it smelled like my grandmother. -shudders-

    If it makes you feel any better, it smelled like my grandmother. -shudders-
  10. Murkrowfeather

    No, but it was a cape/cloak/jacket thing with a loooong feather boa, and it looked wingy enough...

    No, but it was a cape/cloak/jacket thing with a loooong feather boa, and it looked wingy enough to me. xD I'm really torturing you, aren't I?
  11. Murkrowfeather

    1) I made it. 2) Yes. 3) Amazing, but unappreciated. 4) Not right now. 5) No, but I could slam...

    1) I made it. 2) Yes. 3) Amazing, but unappreciated. 4) Not right now. 5) No, but I could slam my cape over my brother's head and scream "NIGHT SHADE!" 6) No. It's my costume. ): 7) No, I'm serious.
  12. Murkrowfeather

    "Im'ma pwn u nao!" Speaking of which, I was a Murkrow for Halloween. xD

    "Im'ma pwn u nao!" Speaking of which, I was a Murkrow for Halloween. xD
  13. Murkrowfeather

    A remake of that would've been awesome in Platinum. Murkrow looks all heroic.

    A remake of that would've been awesome in Platinum. Murkrow looks all heroic.
  14. Murkrowfeather

    It looked sort of weird, though. What I wouldn't mind is something like this.

    It looked sort of weird, though. What I wouldn't mind is something like this.
  15. Murkrowfeather


    I don't do well with organization. D: I basically reserve the entire plot in my head and play it over and over again, and I don't need plot charts or stuff like that. I prefer to go freestyle, even though it's a writng no-no. Writer's instinct?
  16. Murkrowfeather

    Halloween! xD

    I never got any pictures. D: Maybe I'll get back in mah costume sometime and show you. YAY FOR BEING A MURKROW! :O
  17. Murkrowfeather

    It's better than the D/P sprite, though...

    It's better than the D/P sprite, though...
  18. Murkrowfeather


    Pfffft. The one with Typical was way better than that. I don't have any recording equipment, alas. D: But I bid you good luck!
  19. Murkrowfeather

    Halloween! xD

    Heh, some 8th grader at my school went as a Teletubby. (Everyone was alughing at/with him.)
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