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Search results

  1. zeKieranator

    The Challenge Board

    I'll take Pathos vs. Ampharos, and hope I don't do too badly. EDIT: Battle time! 3v3 single Style: Set DQ Time: 6 days Damage Cap: (round number + 25)% Banned Moves: OHKOs, indirect healing, chills (5/team) Arena: Super-Ultra-Hyper-Mega-Giga-Random Arena At first glance, this looks like an...
  2. zeKieranator

    Bank of TCoD

    And here's another +$4.
  3. zeKieranator

    SomeGuy vs. Mad MOAI

    Team SomeGuy vulpixFirefox (♀) Ability: Chlorophyll Health: 77% Energy: 57% +1 Attack, +1 Defense, -1 Speed Status: That worked out a lot better than expected. Commands: Protect / Swagger ~ Faint Attack / Swagger ~ Faint Attack / Swagger Team Mad MOAI exeggcuteNyasha (♀) Ability: Flash Fire...
  4. zeKieranator

    Bank of TCoD

    +$4, +$4 and +$4 makes +$12 total.
  5. zeKieranator

    SomeGuy vs. Mad MOAI

    Team SomeGuy vulpixFirefox (♀) Ability: Chlorophyll Health: 89% Energy: 75% +1 Attack, +1 Defense, -1 Speed Status: Why am I moving so slow? Commands: Dark Pulse ~ Dark Pulse ~ Dark Pulse Team Mad MOAI exeggcuteNyasha (♀) Ability: Flash Fire Health: 53% Energy: 84% Item: leaf-stone Status...
  6. zeKieranator

    SomeGuy vs. Mad MOAI

    Ah, sorry. I checked its moves by Ctrl-F on the Serebii Pokédex, and apparently TM moves don't show up by name for 1st/2nd gen. I'll rewrite the reffing as soon as possible. EDIT: Should I edit the reffing I've already made, or post a new one?
  7. zeKieranator

    SomeGuy vs. Mad MOAI

    Team SomeGuy vulpixFirefox (♀) Ability: Flash Fire Health: 100% Energy: 91% Status: Not a scratch! Commands: Curse ~ Body Slam ~ Payback Team Mad MOAI exeggcuteNyasha (♀) Ability: Chlorophyll Health: 76% Energy: 91% Item: leaf-stone Status: Ouch... Commands: Skill Swap ~ Trick Room ~ Psychic...
  8. zeKieranator

    SomeGuy vs. Mad MOAI

    Team SomeGuy vulpixFirefox (♀) Ability: Flash Fire Health: 100% Energy: 100% Commands: Confuse Ray ~ Howl ~ Flamethrower Team Mad MOAI exeggcuteNyasha (♀) Ability: Chlorophyll Health: 100% Energy: 100% Item: leaf-stone Commands: Light Screen ~ Sleep Powder ~ Dream Eater/AncientPower Round...
  9. zeKieranator

    SomeGuy vs. Mad MOAI

    SomeGuy's Active Squad Squirtle Turtlez (♀) Ability: Torrent Cacnea Spikyman (♂) Ability: Sand Veil Vulpix Firefox (♀) Ability: Flash Fire Gastly Hellcloud (♂) Ability: Levitate Rattata Joey (♀) Ability: Guts Nidoranm Purplemon (♂) Ability: Poison Point Mad MOAI's Active Squad Weavile...
  10. zeKieranator

    The Challenge Board

    I'll ref SomeGuy vs. Mad MOAI. Thread should be up soon.
  11. zeKieranator

    Johto Mafia [N-3]

    Re: Johto Mafia [D-2] Seritinajii.
  12. zeKieranator

    The Challenge Board

    I'll accept.
  13. zeKieranator

    Thanks, and good luck with yours as well.

    Thanks, and good luck with yours as well.
  14. zeKieranator

    Referee Headquarters

    Trying out for Novice referee. Round Three Begin KantoBreeder Riolu Riolu (Allatar) <Steadfast> (M) Health: 88% Energy: 86% Status: angry at Castform for the hail, ready to take his anger out on her [PARALYZED(4 more rounds)] Rain Dance ~ Counter ~ Force Palm Pokémon Partner Castform-ice...
  15. zeKieranator

    Pokemon Name Game III

  16. zeKieranator

    What's your birthday on the the tCoD Zodiac?

    In the 3rd gen, I was Day of Bellossom, Reign of Celebi, Season of the Earth.
  17. zeKieranator

    Homestuck Mafia

  18. zeKieranator

    Warrior Cats Mafia [Mafia Victory]

    Re: Warrior Cats Mafia Abstain. There's not really much else to do.
  19. zeKieranator

    The Cave of Dragonflies

    I'll have one go.
  20. zeKieranator

    Google Image the user above you

    This you?
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