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Homestuck Mafia

You know in the begining when John opens Sburb and on those teleporters there is this circle-ish shape? Do you guys know what it's called?
12 Hour extension since you people can't seem to discuss the mafia game and no one has voted for anything }:|
Night 2 start!

>:P Everyone decided to do nothing.

48 hours for Night Actions or you'll die like Syl >:P
((I did HAVE awesome flavor text, but nooo, my computer wanted to eat it so you all get nothing.))

jade is dead and someone wrote "SU1C1D3" in purple blood that belongs to Gamzee.

Mai is dead, they were Gamzee and mafia.
Wargle is dead, they were Jade and innocent.

Innocent win since all that's left is a bomb }:| Thank Orng too.

Role and log should come sooon...maybe.
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