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Homestuck Mafia

All shall make sense...........

Dave Strider the Vigilante- OrngSumb
Rose Lalonde the Inspector- Terezi Pyrope
Jade Harley the Healer- Wargle
John Egbert the Roleblocker- Markku
Sollux the Bus Driver- InvaderSyl
Nepeta the Lover- Karkat(shocking isn't it.)
Becquerel the Bodyguard- RTB
Jack Noir the Alien- LS99
Gamzee the Mafia Don- Mai
Karkat Vantas the Mafia Goon- Midnight
Tavros the Bomb- zeKieranator

Night 1
Orng killed Midnight
Terezi investigates RTB- result innocent
Wargle heals Karkat
Markku blocks Mai
Karkat chooses LS99
RTB protects Terezi
Mai was nightblocked
Result- Midnight dies

Night 2
Orng tries to kill Karkat
Terezi investigates Karkat- result innocent
Wargle heals Karkat
RTB protects Karkat (told you that you guys aimed for the same person.)
Result- Syl dies

Night 3
Orng kills Mai
Wargle heals Karkat
Markku blocks Karkat
Mai kills Wargle
Result- Wargle and Mai dies innocents win

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Haha wow I'm getting lucky.

It seems every time I'm a vig I get lucky. Also when I target somebody and they live then it helps me know that a healer is alive
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