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Search results

  1. Sirius

    No relation to Sirius Black! He's a nifty character, though. ^^ Also, a Happy Easter to you.

    No relation to Sirius Black! He's a nifty character, though. ^^ Also, a Happy Easter to you.
  2. Sirius

    ^^; Sorry for the big delay in replying! (Busy work week.) And those are pretty interesting...

    ^^; Sorry for the big delay in replying! (Busy work week.) And those are pretty interesting happenings that happened with you. o_o; That hotel is definitely haunted though... I've heard a story that if you light a cigarette around the entrance, it'll go out. ;< The owner didn't like smoking...
  3. Sirius

    Your Oldest Pokemon

    My very oldest would be Jippy, my Venusaur from Pokemon Red... why did I name it Jippy? I have no idea. The mind of a 10 year old is a strange place~ But that Venusaur is definitely very special to me even now.
  4. Sirius

    Amour Amour

    Oh wow. You have a totally unique art style. I like stumbling upon artists like you. ^^ It can be very refreshing. I have to say I really like the black and white Kirill/Nikolai ones. Just a very cool cartoony look to it~
  5. Sirius

    Oh gosh, are you kidding me? xD I live in Colorado and have been there a few times. It's close...

    Oh gosh, are you kidding me? xD I live in Colorado and have been there a few times. It's close enough so I can at least visit occasionally. I mostly going to the resturaunt when I am there and have never spent a night. I'm really curious about what happened with you there! I've heard so many...
  6. Sirius

    It's my birthday and I'll dance if I want to~

    Happy Belated Birthday~ ^^ I hope you had a great day. :3 How do you feel being one year wiser?
  7. Sirius

    Edward Scissorhands

    This was a really interesting movie. What I enjoyed most of all was the setting, above even some of the characters. Such stark, eerily perfect neighborhoods...
  8. Sirius

    The "Fwee" thread II

    Re: The "Fwee" Thread, Mk II Mmm... grilled cheese made perfectly. ♥ Very fwee.
  9. Sirius

    That's a tough one. I like everything from angels, ghosts, psychics, astrology, UFOs... (I'm...

    That's a tough one. I like everything from angels, ghosts, psychics, astrology, UFOs... (I'm also fond of mythology too!) Don't make me choose~ Though I will say my current phase is fun government conspiracies, especially regarding alienfolks. X3 How about yourself? You're a bass player? You...
  10. Sirius

    Paranormal? New best friend indeed. ^^ Nice to meet you Markku~

    Paranormal? New best friend indeed. ^^ Nice to meet you Markku~
  11. Sirius

    Ash's Tan

    Haha, I notice that too! Pokemon is not the only series I've seen having a character get slightly more tan with time. I believe it's a choice in animation rather than him actually getting sun or anything. (But I think that could be valid in a sense he sure has gotten out a lot over the years...)...
  12. Sirius

    ATTN: Introductions

    Yoho! Hi there! ^^ I'm Sirius but you can just call me Siri. I'll try to make a mildly informative intro that isn't "hi i like pokemon and video games!" I'm just now getting back into Pokemon! So I'm a gen 5 person and everything else is rusty, rusty knowledge to me. I think this gen is...
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