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Search results

  1. Espeonrules

    What are you reading?

    Oh I just love reading books. You can just consider me a bookworm. :P Right now, I'm reading Black Beauty by Anna Sewell for the second time. It's a great book, and really shows how cruelly horses were treated back then. Hopefully in the future I plan to get the third book in the Twilight...
  2. Espeonrules

    Favorite in game Music

    I love the following music: -The Lucky Channel's music on the Radio in G/S/C (I usually play it when I'm training my Pokemon; it makes it much more enjoyable.) -Wild Pokemon Battle Music in FR/LG -Battle Fronteir Head Music in Emerald -Deoxys Battle Music in FR/LG -Intro theme in PMD
  3. Espeonrules

    What battle are you in right now?

    As of right now, I'm killing Maxie's Lv. 37 Mightyena with my Lv. 37 Flaaffy, Amphy. There. I've one with a simple Thundershock.
  4. Espeonrules

    Funny Player Names/Rival Names

    Hmm...I feel like I'm the only one who names their characters by actual names. I ought to make a funny name up and try it out sometime. Though on my Red version my name is "NekoPKMN(female sign)". Weird, screwed up name, I know. Also, on Pokemon TCG, I named myself "Luciem". No joke. Usually...
  5. Espeonrules


    I absolutely LOVED G/S/C. Crystal being my favorite. First of all, the sprites were waaay better than R/B/Y, whose Pokemon sprites I hate. In Crystal they were animated, which Nintendo finally decided to add again in Emerald. There were so many new features, like the Radio, Day/Night, Bug...
  6. Espeonrules

    [R/B/Y/G/S/C] Do your old games still work?

    I own the following games: Red, Blue, Yellow, Silver, and Pokemon TCG. All except Pokemon TCG were bought used. Red: Works perfectly fine. It's pretty early in the game, and I named myself NekoPKMN (?). Blue: Sadly, this one is lost. I hope I find it soon, since it was the only game where I was...
  7. Espeonrules

    First starter?

    My first ever game of the series was Sapphire. Yeah, my first game was part of the Advanced Generation. I didn't even know there were such things as Pokemon R/B/Y until after a while. Of course, I picked Torchic, thinking it was cute and all. I remember only training Torchic, since I didn't...
  8. Espeonrules

    Nostalgia in Pokémon Games

    Re: Nostalgia in Pokémon Games My first game ever was Sapphire. Haha, I remember when I first turned on the game I was so excited. I watched through the whole intro sequence in awe. You know that Mudkip that uses a water attack in the intro? Well I thought that was Water Gun and when I finally...
  9. Espeonrules

    How many Shiny Pokemon do you have?

    Hmm..4. They're all lost though unfortunetly, except the Gyarados, but that really doesn't count since you're supposed to get a red Gyarados in G/S/C. Silver: The magical Red Gyarados. 'Nuff said. Sapphire: Shiny Cacnea. Caught it, stored it, then restarted the game without trading it. Ruby...
  10. Espeonrules

    Pokémon Game Laziness

    Re: Pokémon Game Laziness I catch the lazy bug all the time. When I was trying to complete my Pokedex in Emerald, I didn't feel like leveling up the Pokemon I caught, so I just Rare Candied them up to the levels when they evolved. On more than one occasion, I go through the whole game just by...
  11. Espeonrules

    What's ironic or surprising in your Pokemon game?

    Hmm...let's see. I was walking randomly around in Pokemon Emerald (I think around Liliycove somewhere) when I ran into a shiny Poochyena. First I was really shocked, then I started throwing Pokeballs at it. (After weakening it first, of course) Then, it used Roar and ran away before I caught...
  12. Espeonrules

    Thanks. :)

    Thanks. :)
  13. Espeonrules

    Magikarp: the Gathering

    Argh. I feel like I'm not getting something other people are. I'm on the error report stage, and have gotten the 'infectedmagikarp' clue. I've tried sending the report to Butterfree, but nothing happened. Did I do something wrong or skip a step?
  14. Espeonrules

    Pokemon nicknames.

    Sometimes my Pokemon's nicknames actually make sense, but some of them are kind of...strange. Well okay, maybe not that weird but you can call them unique. Dragonfire-Flygon (from this one show I saw) Bandy-Banette Cosmo-Ledyba Cosmic-Ledyba Oniontchi-Meditite (from Tamagotchi) Why2783-Wynaut...
  15. Espeonrules

    Yup. I like your avatar. That's definitely a good warning.

    Yup. I like your avatar. That's definitely a good warning.
  16. Espeonrules

    What really annoys you about the Pokemon Anime?

    What annoys me? A lot of things. Now, I really used to love it, and in my opinion, the 1st Season was the best. But now...the plot's really starting to get predictable. There's really no excitement. In practically every episode, the plot goes something like this: Ash and Co. are walking...
  17. Espeonrules

    Thanks! :D

    Thanks! :D
  18. Espeonrules

    Hello, All!

    Um, hi! I'm Espeonrules, and as you can see by the name, I'm a big fan of Espeon. I've been a devoted Pokemon fan for over 4 years, but now unfortunetly I'm not as big of a fan anymore (partly due to the overly predictable anime). However, I still have a certain affection for it, and I play...
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