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Search results

  1. Articuno

    Bank of TCoD

    Lost a battle. $12+$5=$17
  2. Articuno

    [09] Chiropter vs Articuno

    We're not done for just yet. Light Screen ~ Drain Punch ~ Drain Punch
  3. Articuno

    Bank of TCoD

    Allowance: $9+$3=$12
  4. Articuno

    [09] Chiropter vs Articuno

    Make him pay for this TRIPLE FACADE! Facade/Sleep Talk ~ Facade/Sleep Talk ~ Facade/Sleep Talk If your ever sleeping, sleep talk instead.
  5. Articuno

    Bank of TCoD

    Allowance $3+$6=$9
  6. Articuno

    [09] Chiropter vs Articuno

    Facade/Sleep Talk ~ Facade/Sleep Talk ~ Facade/Sleep Talk Use Facade if your awake, if your asleep use Sleep Talk.
  7. Articuno

    I changed my rating system to a constructive comparison to Life Orb and Earthquake.

    I changed my rating system to a constructive comparison to Life Orb and Earthquake.
  8. Articuno

    The Brown Fox jumped over the lazy dog.

    I was poking a modest Suicune
  9. Articuno

    The Clue Game

    Ive read this whole form but I can't figure out 29. Nevermind I got it.
  10. Articuno

    [09] Chiropter vs Articuno

    Go Meditite. Bulk Up, Brick Break, Brick Break.
  11. Articuno

    [09] Chiropter vs Articuno

    Go Mudkip! Curse, Waterfall, Superpower (Sorry forgot about this battle)
  12. Articuno

    Pokemon Name Game

  13. Articuno

    D/P/Pt I feel sorry for Paras/ect all of the sudden...

    Parasect is OHKO'd by fire moves already. So the extra 1.25x on fire damage does not matter. Dry Skin actually HELPS Parasect by giving it Water Absorb + Rain Dish.
  14. Articuno

    What really annoys you about the Pokemon Anime?

    I hate Dawn, all her Pokemon, and Pikachu. I wish May and Max would come back permanently.
  15. Articuno

    Your favourite Pokémon of each type?

    Re: Your favourite Pokémon of each type? Normal: Chansey Fighting: I HATE THEM ALL. Flying: Lugia Poison: Weezing Ground: Groudon Rock: Tyranitar Bug: Scizor Ghost: Gengar Steel: Skarmory Fire: Ho-Oh Water: Starmie Grass: Celebi Electric: Zapdos Psychic: Mewtwo Ice: Articuno Dragon: Dragonite...
  16. Articuno

    Possessed By Legend: OOC and Signups

    You can take me off of the reserved list. This is too difficult for me. I am not entering.
  17. Articuno

    Fortunately, Unfortunately

    Unfortunatly, you now have to carry 0.00000000000000000000000000000000001 dollar bills.
  18. Articuno

    Fortunately, Unfortunately

    Unfortunately, hyperinflation occurs.
  19. Articuno


    I agree, get rid of all trade evolution, move evolution, happiness, and any other wierd evolutions. Replace all with stone evolutions. Even better, just play crystal cause DP sucks.
  20. Articuno

    Best and worst-looking Shiny Pokémon?

    Re: Best and worst-looking Shiny Pokémon? I hate all shinys.
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