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Search results

  1. Elliekat

    Animal Farm by George Orwell (aka Eric Arthur Blair)

    Haha, we JUST had a test on this book in my English class. I can't decide whether it or 1984 was creepier. Also BOXER NEVER GETS SENT TO THE FACTORY NAPOLEON WAS FINALLY TELLING THE TRUTH SOB
  2. Elliekat

    Rate the song above you

    10/10 this is one of my favorite songs EVER <3 Ladytron- Ghosts
  3. Elliekat

    Your first kiss?

    Not yet, although I'd like my first to be my friend who is straight so yeah :/ But I love love love hugs!
  4. Elliekat

    Rate the song above you

    6/10 because I don't like metal :/ Efterklang- Mirador EDIT: Oops, got ninja'd by Zangviper. Sorry!
  5. Elliekat

    Pokémon Black and White

    Re: Pokémon Black and White So I got White, and I'm fighting every urge to catch Sewaddle and Deerling for my team, because then I would have four Grass types and the Bug gym was hard enough. Team is Liepard, Servine, Lilligant, Darumaka, Cinccino and Simipour. HOLY CRAP I want to marry the...
  6. Elliekat

    I Am Number Four

    They actually sold tickets at my school for a student-only showing of the movie. Guess they knew we were going to flood the theaters XD But yeah, they didn't actually blow up the school. A lot of people wish they would have XD
  7. Elliekat

    Political Compass

    Some of these questions make me genuinely angry. Like "Mothers may have careers, but their first duty is to be homemakers." I'm sure there are people that agree with that, but.... ugh. Anyway:
  8. Elliekat

    I Am Number Four

    The movie was filmed at my school. :D It was pretty exciting! I never read the book, though.
  9. Elliekat

    The "Fwee" thread II

    Re: The "Fwee" Thread, Mk II I don't think I've mentioned this, but I GOT A PERFECT SCORE ON MY CHEMISTRY MIDTERM \o/
  10. Elliekat

    Behind the Avatar, Redux

    HAY GUYS :3 (that's a lollipop off to the side if you're wondering :>)
  11. Elliekat

    The QUILTBAG Club (formerly the LGBT club)

    Hmm, my school has a GSA. Not knowing too many other QUILTBAG people (maybe... three?) I'm not entirely sure if it's working or not. Once my mom got kind of mad that it existed at our school though, which made me a bit upset.
  12. Elliekat

    The QUILTBAG Club (formerly the LGBT club)

    Yeah, I've always seen kissing as not a sexual thing, unless you're doing it in an extremely sexual way, which I wouldn't want. There's kind of a fine line in my mentality that's kinda hard to explain XD But I would kiss someone, but once it crossed that line I would start getting uncomfortable...
  13. Elliekat

    Songs that make you smile / ones that make you happy

    Well geez I was going to come in here and post Hoppípolla but it's in the first post ;-; BUT ANYWAY my next favorite Sigur Ros song is Starálfur! I really enjoy it :> It's very peaceful, and it really does make me smile c:
  14. Elliekat

    The QUILTBAG Club (formerly the LGBT club)

    So I think I'm definitely still figuring myself out; I know for sure that I'm asexual, but where I said before that I'm hetero-romantic I'm still unsure about. I thought I was definitely hetero-romantic, but now I can't stop thinking about one of my best friends. Every time I see her I always...
  15. Elliekat


    I made an awesome treehouse that isn't being chased by a random forest fire this time :D I put Painterly on, and I have to say I really enjoy mining through glaciers :D
  16. Elliekat

    The "Fwee" thread II

    Re: The "Fwee" Thread, Mk II Snow day~
  17. Elliekat


    HEY GUYS I MADE OBSIDIAN ...sadly I don't have a diamond pick sob sob
  18. Elliekat

    The "Fwee" thread II

    Re: The "Fwee" Thread, Mk II Went to league today, and met some new people, and won some matches! :D
  19. Elliekat

    The QUILTBAG Club (formerly the LGBT club)

    Agh, there's this one girl who sits in front of me in English class. She's always making these comments like "I don't believe in gay rights because what they're doing is wrong" and (about the single [openly, anyway] lesbian couple in our school) "Eww, I can't stand them! They make me so...
  20. Elliekat


    Hmm, does the new update put moon lighting in? I'm standing in a very conspicuously lit place with no lava in sight and I'm wondering if that's an update of if my game is just glitching.
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