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What good texture packs are there? There's so many I can't decide.

Most of them make glass work better so that doesn't narrow it down much. So much choice D:
SmoothCraft is nice. It's simple but I think it looks a little nicer than the default.

Also, terrible thing happened yesterday. I'd found this awesome cave system with diamonds and gold and iron and I'd collected tons of all of it. I saw some more diamonds across a lava pit and I wanted it.

But apparently my bridge making skills aren't as good as I thought they were. I fell into the lava and lost all my cool ores and tools. It totally killed all the interest I'd had to play for the rest of the day. I'm better now, though.
Painterly is a pretty be-all "my first texture pack" for simplistic prettiness' sake. A little tame for my tastes, it's still wonderfully done, a sheer improvement over default - and boasts an entire pile of options through the pack customiser tool unique to it, where it'll pre-assemble everything you need in one go and as per your choice. It's continually updated, too, so if you like the general feel of it but need a change, you can just go update.
At the moment I'm using Misa's HD Texture Overhaul and that's generally good enough. The textures are all really nice and I love the brick and sandstone textures. So good. I'm really looking forward to Peasant's upcoming pack, too. It's 256x256 and it is absolutely delicious.
Anyone tried multiplyer? Check out (put this in the ip field) "mc.hakaslak.com:25567". It's a huge creative server.
Also, one I've been playing is "bloodbath.hakaslak.com", it's a survival server where people can fight one another.

Coincidentally, an old friend of mine is thinking about playing on Hakaslak's up-and-coming "Protogenoi" server. Apparently the programmer from his last server (which he adored) is working on it, with the backing of a so-called 'huge community' and he did his best to make it sound gooood.
He's uh, applying for a faction leader or something there, too...

And yes he also brutally forced me to play minecraft, though I usually just hang out with Alraune on her server... singleplayer really bores me and SMP is starting to as well! Or maybe that's because I'm in the middle of the note blocks for this castlevania intro thing x_o
I think they need to make digging faster...

The heavily modded RPG-style thing that Protogenoi is gonna try to accomplish sounds nice and tantalising though, so I uh, totally recommend you other tCoDians give it a whirl.
When it's ready.
If you're interested in that kind of thing.
I made an awesome treehouse that isn't being chased by a random forest fire this time :D

I put Painterly on, and I have to say I really enjoy mining through glaciers :D
re: texture packs

I'm also a big fan of Painterly, but today I found one called Eldpack that is really cool. It's got this... chubby JRPG style, I guess? It kinda makes me think of the FFTA games, or that one Tales of x game I had on the GBA that one time. I think I'll only use it on SMP since the Mo Creatures mobs totally wouldn't fit with the rest of it, but I spend most of my time on SMP anyway so!
So you guys

I'm making a new map on my server

And it has four countries

There will be diplomacy and resource-gathering and trade and stuff and it'll be fun

And you guys can join when it's done
I got this last Saturday and I cannot stop playing it. Arg, I am no good but IT IS SO ADDICTIVE. :D I always end up restarting my worlds after a couple of nights though. Why? Well...

World 1:Built myself an awesome base, come out in morning, 9 creepers (yes 9!) hide round the back, explode and obliterate it.

World 2: See above

World 3:Digging for coal, drop some wood, get exploded by creeper. :(

Creepers are the most annoying things. >:(
so uh, figured I may as well ask here.

I want to buy Minecraft so badly but apparently I can only download 12 GB per month - anything more carries a hefty fer per MB. Which normally wouldn't be a problem because I don't have any other games I'm dying to download, but I also have Netflix, which my brothers like using. I haven't downloaded anything else this month.

How big is the file size for Minecraft, and can I expect to download it and play without getting screwed in terms of fees?
Minecraft itself isn't very big and as far as I know you won't need to download anything to play. If you want to play offline you just typo your login information before you play.
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