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Hmm, does the new update put moon lighting in? I'm standing in a very conspicuously lit place with no lava in sight and I'm wondering if that's an update of if my game is just glitching.
Hey, I'm trying to setup a minecraft server, and exactly 0 tutorials have been helpful. PLEASE HELP THANK YOU. XD

Depends on how many people you want to play with. I play with maybe five other people at the most, just a small group of friends, and I use Hamachi. So while I can't tell you how to set up a large, dedicated server for many people at once, I can tell you how to set up a little one for you and your friends:

First off, you and your friends will need Hamachi so you can all be in a Hamachi network together (I think there's several programs but LogMeIn Hamachi is easiest), and you (or whoever wants to run the server) will need the Minecraft server software (found on the downloads page- give it its own folder when you download it so you can find its associated files easier).

Next you'll want to make a Hamachi network. If you're using LogMeIn, it's just Network > Create a new network. Give it a name and a password, give them to your friends, and they would go to Network > Join an existing network and use the information you gave them.

Now, you run Minecraft_Server.exe. It should crate a world and several files within the folder you put Minecraft_Server.exe in. Two of the files are called "server", but you need to open the one which is the file type PROPERTIES. Your computer should ask you what program you want to open it with. Use Notepad, and you should see a list of items that end with "true" and "false", along with server-IP and server-port. Change "online-mode" from true to false so that it reads online-mode=false. For server-ip, input the large number next to the power button on LogMeIn Hamachi. For server-port... I put 25565 but I don't really remember how I came to that number, but I think it was important. Make sure you tell it to "save" and not to "save as" once you're done changing those properties.
You can mess with the other true and false as you like, it's pretty self-explanatory as to what they do. I personally have pvp turned off so when there's a lot of mining confusion in tight spaces we don't end up hurting eachother. Turning hellworld to true on puts you in the Nether until it's turned back to false and the server reset- pretty sure portals still don't work even when it's true so you wouldn't be able to leave even if you /give yourself obsidian and a flint and steel to create one.

Now you guys open up Minecraft, go to Multiplayer, and use the IP that Hamachi gave you and that you put into the PROPERTIES file as the server-ip. And it should work. :3

This is probably a way complicated way to do it but I don't think it requires port forwarding (I didn't have to, but maybe that's because I'd already done that a long time ago and forgot), and you'd know that only those people can get on.
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Okay so I have been working a bit with my primary save (about 14 mb) And here are some things I have done so far:

AQUARIUM: Okay so I don't think Squids can spawn on this save since it was done before the 1.2_01 update, but if they can I have made a massive tank in Nihilum (my main base) for them to spawn in so I can observe them.

INTER-DIMENSIONAL TRANSPORTATION: I made a massive cave in the Nether where I will be making portals to create a massive linked-together dimensional transportation station. I currently have two portals, one leading to Nihlium, and one leading to:

RUBRIM TURRIS: Latin for "red tower," Rubrim Turris is a three-storey tower made out of Netherrack and cobblestone, with four burning pillars on top. it is quite a distance from my main base and I have yet to explore the area around it.

I have more planned, but this is all I have done so far. I am also making a castle on another save.

This game is so much fun.
@Cuddlefuzz: I don't think squids can spawn, seeing as I've explored at least 3 oceans and 0 of them have had squids.

Actually From what I've seen Squids appear to be more likely to spawn in old saves than new ones. I have an aquarium in a level that I started in december with about five squids in it but I haven't found any in the one I started yesterday.
Really it varies with the save but they are very hard to find and even harder to herd into an aquarium.
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I don't think there's any difference between saves, really. I found squids immediately in a new save and an old one. In another new save I haven't even found them yet.
So I still need to make a video/take lots of pictures of the stuff we have going on in SMP :C Single player is too lonely and scary for me (though now that the horse riding bug in the Mo Creatures mod is fixed I might try it again... that bug got fixed right after I lost a unicorn I'd spent hours corralling to my house and using all my iron to make its saddle bawwww ; ; )

Have a frigging ginormous lighthouse

Also the top of my super cool treehouse It's kinda hard to see that it's just above cloud level in that picture. It can basically see everything we've made so far when you turn off the fog.
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Okay, if you're running a server and you close the Java window, how do you get back to the old part of your world?

.. Open it again? What do you mean by old part? The spawn point should be in the same place it always is, but when you get back on the server you'll be where you were when you disconnected... I mean, usually I wait for you guys to disconnect first before I close the Java window, and I never use that /stop command, but I can't imagine closing the Java window being that disruptive. Even when my game crashes, when I get back on I am where I was before it crashed.
I realized you can make a solid material out of sand called sandstone.

I also found a desert biome with my latest Nether Portal

brb making sandstone castle
I realized you can make a solid material out of sand called sandstone.

I also found a desert biome with my latest Nether Portal

brb making sandstone castle

I was pretty much just coming here to say this.
For some reason I thought Sandstone was found in the desert like, as ruins or something, a rare material.
Upon learning better, I used the Biome Terrain mod to give myself a gigantic desert. brb making pyramid and tombs.
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