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  1. Elliekat


    Oh, is this why the Grr Thread is closed? Well, I don't really go into the forum games that much, but if they're causing errors, then I think they should be limited or removed if that helps the whole forum.
  2. Elliekat

    The "Fwee" Thread

  3. Elliekat

    The "Fwee" Thread

    Hey, congrats! I was in a spelling bee when I was your age. I went to Nationals, too :3 Good luck! :D
  4. Elliekat


    My favorite Spanish word is 'el pastel', for cake. The word just... feels nice when I say it, haha XD
  5. Elliekat

    General Christmas Wishlist Thread

    Oh, I forgot to mention that I also want a cool hat. Make that many cool hats ;D
  6. Elliekat

    Hogwarts Houses

    Ravenclaw, definitely.
  7. Elliekat

    General Christmas Wishlist Thread

    Ahhh these are basically the two sides I'm getting from my friends D: Of course, my parents probably won't buy me a Mac anyway :P And I've never used Linux before, is it a lot better?
  8. Elliekat

    General Christmas Wishlist Thread

    I haven't thought about it too much either, but these are pretty definite... - A LAPTOP preferably a Mac, but anything not-cheap and crap is good with me, as I've gotten mixed advice from my friends on the Mac vs. PC thing. - A full set of Faber-Castell colored pencils, because my current set...
  9. Elliekat

    How did you become a Pokémon fan?

    Re: How did you become a Pokémon fan? One of my best friends when I was in second grade had a Game Boy Color and Red Version, and one day she let me level-grind her Pikachu and Magikarp on it. I fell in love with it and convinced my brother to borrow his friend's Blue Version a couple years...
  10. Elliekat

    The "Fwee" Thread

    NEXT WEEK I get my first TCG cards :D
  11. Elliekat

    Santa Avatar Month!

  12. Elliekat

    The "Fwee" Thread

    I'm the only one of my friends who isn't stressing out over a guy. I feel so... rational :3
  13. Elliekat


    I use 'they' as a genderless pronoun thing all the time, but I have to remember that when I'm taking the PSAT because that can screw you up.
  14. Elliekat

    Best beginning to the Christmas season ever.

    Aww, it's not snowing on the Pittsburgh side. In fact, it's raining :( I wish it was snowing.
  15. Elliekat

    The "Fwee" Thread

    This time last year I was marching in the Macy's parade :3
  16. Elliekat

    Eye Color

    Boring brown :c
  17. Elliekat


    Here we should be getting some snow in the next couple of weeks, which should last until early March. Did I mention I absolutely HATE being cold? :( YAY for landlocked east-coast America
  18. Elliekat


    Haven't I posted here yet?! *swoops in* ... I uh speak only English fluently. I am boring :\ OH and un poco Espanol from school :) I would like to learn more languages though.
  19. Elliekat

    NaNoWriMo 2010

    AGH I didn't write for days because I had horrible writer's block. Now I just want to move on to the cool scene in my head but I know that'll make the book too fast. How do writers do it?!
  20. Elliekat

    NaNoWriMo 2010

    @Hiikaru I have about 8 pages now in my notebook. I'm adding and tweaking a little bit as I type, though, so it's good <3
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