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Best beginning to the Christmas season ever.


local hellion
It's snowing. Better yet, it's sticking.

My sister buzzed us all over the intercom (...yes my house has an intercom) and shouted "GUYS IT'S SNOWING." And sure enough, it is.

It's snowing from here in almost-Philadelphia to Philadelphia and even half an hour away in almost-New-Jersey. (figuring out that last one was pretty funny, cause I texted my best friend who lives there and I guess she'd just woken up cause her response sounded like she was incredibly confused, and when I repeated myself she was like "OMG IT IS!!!!!")

So yeah, it's not even December yet and it's already snowing. It's kinda really awesome.
Your house has an intercom? Where do you live, in a school?

That aside, lucky...

Is it the wet kind you can make a snowball in or the powdery kind that just scatters everywhere?
Your house has an intercom? Where do you live, in a school?

No, this house was fairly recently built. Like, late 1990's, I think. We're, like, the third or fourth owners IIRC. (idk if that explains but w/e)

Is it the wet kind you can make a snowball in or the powdery kind that just scatters everywhere?

I'm not sure; I didn't go out to check. It stopped, anyway.

Someone needs to find out. If tis the wet kind Im coming to find you. And throw a snowball at you. with a brick inside
(you said it would snow, weatherman. Why isn't it snowing?!)

The weatherpeople would predict at least one huge snowstorm per year. None of them came before, so no one really believed them after a while...until we actually did get a huge snowstorm. (Nine days of school in February.)

The weatherpeople would predict at least one huge snowstorm per year. None of them came before, so no one really believed them after a while...until we actually did get a huge snowstorm. (Nine days of school in February.)

Nine days? So sorry. We had like, five days down here in Maryland.
We're supposed to get snow on Tuesday. But Virginia weather is very schizophrenic, so who knows. I could be too hot; it could get stuck in the mountains; it could snow and not stick; it could be just fine.
We haven't had any snow that decided to stick around on the ground yet. We've had a few flakes fall, but nothing much here.

We ought to get something soon, though. We usually get snow that sticks at the very end of November or early December.
but no intercom, this is unacceptable

Kind of fucked up my group presentation since we were supposed to be meeting up and finishing it today and nobody could come in except me because I'm the only one who lives on campus and now I don't know what we're going to do but still, SNOW. I have a 1-hour break between classes today, I am making me a fucking snowman. If I can be bothered which I doubt \o/
The snow is beautiful here right now. I live in Scotland but in the part of Scotland that really doesn't get much snow... most of the time we get maybe 3-6 snow days a year, usually no more than an inch or two deep and it normally melts within 24 hours. Last year was amazing for snow that lasted over a fortnight but this year whoa! I've never seem so much snow in my entire life, I'm not exaggerating. A foot deep might not sound like much to some but here that hasn't happened in my lifetime until this year. So I'm quite amazed.

And it just keeps coming down.
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