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Search results

  1. Elliekat

    NaNoWriMo 2010

    Just finished typing my first thousand words! :D ONLY 49,000 TO GOOOOO
  2. Elliekat

    NaNoWriMo 2010

    I-I'm really not as slow as the counter says! Really! Also I have decided that most of the people in Iopolis (scienceland) are going to be named after elements. Elements make nice names!
  3. Elliekat

    NaNoWriMo 2010

    That sounds about right. My handwriting is bigger towards the beginning of the notebook though, so there might be a little more in there than I think. But anyway, you just wait, NaNo site, once Friday comes around (no school, so a whole day to write!) my word count will SHOOT THROUGH THE...
  4. Elliekat

    'twas an event! It's VDex's first birthday and there are Mew involved because the item for Mew...

    'twas an event! It's VDex's first birthday and there are Mew involved because the item for Mew was given out to the very first people to join the site! They're pretty cuuuute <333
  5. Elliekat

    NaNoWriMo 2010

    My *official* word count is like 600, but I've only typed up a page and a half of the seven pages full in my notebook so far. Yay?
  6. Elliekat

    NaNoWriMo 2010

    Ajfhjadfh I really need to develop this character but it's hard. Ah well, this is my first time REALLY writing anything. EDITING IS FOR DECEMBER RIGHT
  7. Elliekat

    NaNoWriMo 2010

    Ahsjdhajfh the site won't looooaaaad D: Aaaanyway my name on there is Elliekat too! Yay! I finished my prologue/blatant exposition during school, so I'm going to type it up later. My friend and I are having a competition to see who can win first!
  8. Elliekat


    I- I like tea too! With honey!
  9. Elliekat


    Cofffeeeeeee :D I like cappuccinos. My school cafeteria makes some awesome vanilla-flavored ones :) Probably the best thing they make XD
  10. Elliekat

    HG/SS Shiny Leaves

    Ehh, don't feel too bad. I have a Relaxed Typhlosion, which is apparently bad.
  11. Elliekat

    HG/SS Shiny Leaves

    I have a leaf on my Typhlosion that I found by accident.
  12. Elliekat

    Fashion sense

    Oh, I forgot about my awesome jacket! Everyone should have an awesome jacket such as this. It has a fun multicolored pattern of stripes and spots, and a different pattern of brown and white underneath, then it has big brightly colored flowers on top. It's also reversible to a beige and small...
  13. Elliekat

    Fashion sense

    I like wearing comfortable things, and comfort during the school year usually means "wear a jacket or something that you can stay warm in in the cafeteria where it is mysteriously around 40 degrees." I tend to like colorful t-shirts with designs I find pretty. In fact, today I'm wearing my...
  14. Elliekat

    Interest in pre-DPPt games?

    I love the Hoenn games. Not so much for the storyline, more just for the region. I freaking love the region. Right now I really want to play my old Silver, but I have to change the internal battery :(
  15. Elliekat

    I'm sixteeeeeeeeen! :D

    Yes yes today is my sixteenth birthday! :D
  16. Elliekat


    Man I'm the only one who like shellfish :\ ANYWAY MUSSELS AND CLAMS ARE GREAT and oyster soup is also great and sushi is great too but that is not an option D:
  17. Elliekat

    Google + UserName

    Searching mine now.... The first one is someone's Flickr that is not mine. Hey look on the second page there is a TCoD thread! The first thing that is actually me is my icanhascheezburger profile on the second page. Also there is someone on dA with the name elliekat that is not me but does...
  18. Elliekat


    I voted idk, but now I think I might be asexual. I am still extremely confused about myself though.
  19. Elliekat

    Forum Pairings

    Hmmm I do not seem to be in this thread... yet D: Hmm hmmm I will have to think of something :D
  20. Elliekat

    I am old now. This calls for cake.

    BUT THE CAKE IS A LIEEEEE Happy birthday!!~
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