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NaNoWriMo 2010

...I went NUTS today.


I wrote two more segments and... am now at 4,861. Dude... wow. I think that I got some big epic inspiration. It just... hit me out of nowhere and I couldn't stop writing. The story is getting really good. I might consider actually showing it somewhere... we'll see.

Your avatar made me read this entire post in a beatnik voice.
Well. I completely forgot that it started, so here I am at 4:40 am finishing my chunk of writing to make up for it. I will have to do a lot of catch up, but I'm now at 2063 words in one go.

I've introduced the main cast and the first part of the story the shopkeeper is telling the children. The shopkeeper is known as Miss Ryuu, the oldest kid is named Mary with the oldest of the two boys named Derek and the youngest Johan.

This is turning out very well already.
My main character is a realist, a pessimist, a down-to-earth Deadpan Snarker who doesn't share the optimistic views of everyone around him. Inwardly he's really quite insecure.

I'm loving him so far.
I wasn't able to write properly until like, 6pm yesterday 8| so I missed the first day's wordcount because I submitted it at ~2am haha. AW WELL

First story is well underway, though. c:
Finished for today, though I didn't do my math right and ended too early.

Oh well, that chapter had to end anyway.
Ajfhjadfh I really need to develop this character but it's hard. Ah well, this is my first time REALLY writing anything. EDITING IS FOR DECEMBER RIGHT
I've written a little over 1100 words today, and I'll do some more probably before I go to bed. Hopefully by tomorrow my character will have left town.

Because I feel like it, here's the prologue to my story.

In the world of Pokemon, there are many regions, akin to the “Countries” of our world. Among these regions, there is one that is much lesser known and, if someone were to list all the regions of the world, would probably come in last. It is the region of Sporuto. It’s government is rather average, and has rather large security issues, which have not, thankfully, been exploited. Yet.

The Pokemon of the region are hardly unique, and the geography is rather unimpressive. There are no celebrities or famous people important to the other regions, and very few people successful in the region ever become anything more than having a minor and rather unimportant job and life.

There was one woman who easily crushed the Pokemon League once. She was a young woman, no older than 18, but she was often mistaken for a very handsome man. This was always interpreted as a compliment to her, and, as she said once in an interview, “I’d rather look like a handsome man than an ugly man.” When she arrived in Snowpoint City of the Sinnoh region, however, a group of Jynx noticed her boyishly good looks, and kidnapped her. She has never been heard from again.

But there is one story to tell. One involving a young boy and his friends, and how they succeeded in stopping the evil Team Proto from succeeding in their villainous plans. It is a tale of friendship, the hardships they must overcome, and hard whiskey. You wouldn’t believe how big of a role the whiskey plays into this story.

So come! Read on, and enter the world of Sporuto during the beginning of its prosperous years, and learn how it went from the least known region of the world, to the one with the highest illegal immigrant rate.
My *official* word count is like 600, but I've only typed up a page and a half of the seven pages full in my notebook so far. Yay?
If only the NaNoWriMo site would stop laaaaaaggging....

My inner editor has decided to set the pace at ~1700 words every three hours, which is not good because I still have homework to do and no time to write tomorrow, dammit! Also, my prose is horrible and I really want to set the whole thing on fire right now, but editing is for December and fffff

If my inner editor dies, I think my writing speed would go up by at least 20%, since I won't have to think through my sentences before typing them down.

And it's only the second day why am I word barfing already :(
Or maybe I can make my main character stop angsting and go on a pokemon journey/start the plot already.
Also, I just realized how much my characters angst. That was not supposed to happen. You're not supposed to be angsty, main character! Stop it already! Ok, fine, you are supposed to be angsty, but you're being too angsty!
Although my other main character is coming out rather well, much better than the first main character anyway. And she doesn't have enough brain to angst so it's fine. Even though she's turning out to be slightly angsty as well whyyyyy
And then there was this paragraph that was just word barf and wasn't supposed to be there. Although it totally helps with the plot which was supposed to have started a few chapters/sections/breaks in the text ago but I kept on putting it off. Yeah, I didn't chapter my fic yet. EDITING IS FOR DECEMBER RIGHT?

Also, my prose is the ugliest thing ever. I hate it so much. I think I need to scrub Hawthorne from my mind before I start barfing symbolism into the fic.

Also, I can't describe things.

Hiikaru said:
Also, I keep automatically switching to Firefox and tabbing all over the place. So I went to my website and set up a page that says in giant centered black "GO BACK TO WRITING." and set that as my main tab. By the time I finished my words, I was at the point where I moused over Firefox, remembered not to click because it would just yell at me, and went back to what I was doing.

Haha, that's smart. I should do that, too...

She was slumped against the wall, her wound allowing a steady stream of blood to come out. The Lapras began to cry. "Since you're weak, I suppose I'll kill you next. After all, we must save the best," he glanced at me, the Seviper, and the Ninetales, "for last," he hissed, smirking evilly.
PerFinWriMo excerpt.

It's about these five pokemon who get turned into humans after being murdered. They have to find and kill the murderer before he finds out they're back.

EDIT: 540 words~
Blargh, the only reason eating is useful to me is because it gives me a break to think about what the hell happens next.

...Writing without a load of planning is hard when I try to be sensical, guys. D: And I can't describe and my dialogue is stilted and there are plot and logic holes everywhere. And I'm pissy when I'm being torn away from the keyboard, so my family will eventually get irritated. :/

...There's a critique I'm going to do next morning rather than today. Fun.
I'm currently at 1,772, and still typing, with the occasional refresh of TCoD. I'm just slightly behind *sweatdrops* I need to stop procrastinating!
Hit 3377 yesterday, staying up pretty late. +2000 words about the story, +100 words in my notebook for a different story. I'm not counting those officially for obvious reasons, but they at least count for something. And before I put it off again, I'm posting it here so I'll feel even worse if I don't do it: I need to work on homework! I think I'll be happy if I can either complete a significant amount of my five-page English essay, do one History homework, complete one tech course game, or complete all my tech course quizzes and then do something else useful somehow.

Blaziking: That's actually pretty good! I like how you drop in all these things that are so silly they look like red herrings but the reader isn't actually sure if they'll be important later, and the writing style is interesting and bouncy. I keep reading it as "Sprout-o" though.

People who are behind: You guys can do it! :D Go faster! Don't forget we have a break for Thanksgiving! Don't forget about your Halloween candy! Don't forget that you're actually the best for even starting! Go go go!

My *official* word count is like 600, but I've only typed up a page and a half of the seven pages full in my notebook so far. Yay?

How big is your hand-writing? How much do you think seven pages will be when you finish? If 600 is a page and a half then I'm getting ~400 words a page. Sound about right? (I'm always curious when people are writing in notebooks!)

...Writing without a load of planning is hard when I try to be sensical, guys. D: And I can't describe and my dialogue is stilted and there are plot and logic holes everywhere. And I'm pissy when I'm being torn away from the keyboard, so my family will eventually get irritated. :/

Does your family know you're doing NaNoWriMo? Can you come to some kind of compromise with them? Surely they'll understand if you tell them you need some time to do your best!

[this writing is so terrible curse the inner editor aaaahhh]

You should look on Twitter for the official NaNoWriMo sprints. Sprinting for ten or twenty minutes against a bunch of friends (or random Twitter people) really helps you to get into the right mood for speed writing. You just have to stop reading over your text, stop thinking about how bad it is, and start believing in yourself!

Crazy Linoone said:
Haha, that's smart. I should do that, too...

You should! It's crazy how frequently I switch to Firefox when I stop writing for even a second.
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