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Search results

  1. Qwilfish

    Shop De Qwilfish

  2. Qwilfish

    Cool. I'm near Chester, but my cousin is in Freckleton (near Preston).

    Cool. I'm near Chester, but my cousin is in Freckleton (near Preston).
  3. Qwilfish

    Shop De Qwilfish

    Shop De Qwilfish ~ Sprites made for you, by me. Technique of the week Splices Rules One request at a time. No swearing. No SPAMming. No stupid requests, like Ho-oh/Wurmple. No flaming. If any of my sprites are used, I want signature credit. Or some other form of credit. I just want credit...
  4. Qwilfish

    Lair De Qwilfish

    Le link. With a full ASB league, great admins and so many forums! Comments and crit would be appriciated.
  5. Qwilfish

    Platinum Discussion

    XD Definitely agreed. But it is pure win. I want to see a winged Regigigas form.
  6. Qwilfish

    Gold & Silver Remake Thread

    A Johto remake would be amazing. *prays*
  7. Qwilfish

    Is there going to be a Generation V?

    I don't think so, for the fact is that Ninty are sure to run out of ideas some day.
  8. Qwilfish

    Old habits in pokemon games

    Re: Old habbits are hard to break, Mk. II Tropius and Tangela. Catch them for no reason whatsoever.
  9. Qwilfish

    Best Pokemon Game Ever

    Gold/Silver. Absolutely without a doubt.
  10. Qwilfish

    Too many legendaries?

    No. Legendaries should be, as Wymsy said, semi-abundant.
  11. Qwilfish

    Favorite Type?

    Poison and Ice.
  12. Qwilfish

    Weird Evolution Lines (Remoraid to Octillery FTW?)

    I've got one ~ Haunter to Gengar. It gets smaller?
  13. Qwilfish

    What's your favorite Grass Starter?

    Treecko, as Sceptile was my first Lv.100 in Ruby. Not first ever Lv.100, but meh.
  14. Qwilfish

    What's your favorite Fire Starter?

    Cyndaquil is epic. And so is Typhlosion.
  15. Qwilfish

    Favorite legendary

    Suicune, Mew, Latias and Giratina.
  16. Qwilfish

    Favorite Pokemon?

    Qwilfish, Torkoal and Dunsparce. With a touch of Relicanth.
  17. Qwilfish

    Least Favorite Pokemon?

    Probo...you know what I'm going to say. And I despise Cherrim/Cherubi. Ugh.
  18. Qwilfish

    Cutest Pokemon?

    Obviously Relicanth.
  19. Qwilfish


    Welcome to TCoD! Erm...howzit?
  20. Qwilfish


    Welcome to TCoD! Ice types = Pure winz. XD
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