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Search results

  1. Eeveeon25

    You laugh you lose (aka POST ALL FUNNY STUFF HERE)

    Re: You laugh you lose ROTFLOL @ Buffalo x8!
  2. Eeveeon25

    Which Eeveelution is the most Powerful?

    Each one excels in a certain stat. Out of the seven: Vaporeon has the best HP Flareon has the best Attack Leafeon has the best Defense Espeon and Glaceon have the best Special Attack Umbreon has the best Special Defense Jolteon has the best Speed
  3. Eeveeon25

    Open World in Chaos: A Sonic RP

    "Well, I guess we should go in..." Zak said, slowly walking forward to the house. As he stepped closer to the door, he started to get the feeling that he should go back, but he couldn't. He knew he should go back, but he couldn't. And in fact, when he tried to turn around and run away, he...
  4. Eeveeon25

    You laugh you lose (aka POST ALL FUNNY STUFF HERE)

    Re: You laugh you lose Then what does it say?
  5. Eeveeon25

    The anime may, in fact, be deeper and more depressing than I thought...

    Alternate theory: Ash and friends are kids in the real world who have had waaay too many drugs. ;) Seriously though, it's a pretty deep (though way too depressing) theory, but there's no way it's true.
  6. Eeveeon25

    Open Team Star 2: The Hidden Secret

    Talon stepped back from the group with a depressed look on his face, then said, while reading his phone, "Neptune, could you please come read this..."
  7. Eeveeon25

    [DYING] Virus and Vaccine: A Digimon RP

    Re: Virus and Vaccine: A Digimon RP Wow, this place is so cool. What's this place called, Michelle? Silly Zak, I told you, this is Candy Land! You mean from the board game? Sweet! But not as sweet as you... Oh Zak... Oh Michelle... "WAKE UP ALREADY!!!!!!!!!" Floramon screamed, interrupting...
  8. Eeveeon25

    Open Team Star 2: The Hidden Secret

    Suddenly, a beeping noise went off. Talon stopped and pulled a phone out of his pocket, looked at it, and said, "Hey, everyone, hold on a minute!"
  9. Eeveeon25

    [DYING] Virus and Vaccine: A Digimon RP

    Re: Virus and Vaccine: A Digimon RP ((thanks for the reminder, Shining Eevee.)) "If you're talking about this moron, then I guess it's Mission Complete," said a Floramon, who walked up to the group with a tamer behind him. "Sorry I'm late, everybody! When I showed up, they said you all had...
  10. Eeveeon25


    I'm American, and I don't watch BBC, so I have absolutely no idea what anyone here is talking about. Have you been in any popular American movies/shows, Mr. Tennant?
  11. Eeveeon25

    Only in Kenya

    I have seen the LOTR one, but not the Transformer one. My favorite is the England-Soccer (err, "Football") one.
  12. Eeveeon25

    Rate the signature above you!

    Hmmm... useful info, CoD pokemon pics, and just a touch of randomness... 7/10.
  13. Eeveeon25

    Only in Kenya

    O. MIE. GAWSCH. The second I saw this thread title, I knew exactly what it was (I don't even have to watch the video). Weebls Stuff RoX! Although Magical Trevor and Badgers are better than Kenya by a long shot.
  14. Eeveeon25

    You laugh you lose (aka POST ALL FUNNY STUFF HERE)

    Re: You laugh you lose Cat fight.
  15. Eeveeon25


    You're all being deceived. Deja vu is really a glitch in the Matrix You're all being deceived. Deja vu is really a glitch in the Matrix Deja vu is really a glitch in the Matrix Deja vu is really a glitch in the Matrixtrixtrixtrix deceived. Dejajareally is a You're al- dedede glitchin...
  16. Eeveeon25

    Open World in Chaos: A Sonic RP

    Zak noticed Calli run to the small bathroom. "Didn't she go back during the meeting?" he said, mostly to himself. "She must have to go a lot." Suddenly, the computer started speaking again. "We are now at Pumpkin Hill. Please depart the vehicle." "That was fast," Zak noted, once again to...
  17. Eeveeon25

    [DYING] Virus and Vaccine: A Digimon RP

    Re: Virus and Vaccine: A Digimon RP *never played games after world 4 so may need explanations* **finds it humorously ironic that the light guys do the violence and the dark guys do the healing** Tamer: Name: Zak Greyson Gender: Male Age: 16 Appearance: Black hair, jacket, and pants with...
  18. Eeveeon25

    Open Kingdom Hearts

    Zak turned his head to Sapphire while shooting Thunders at oncoming Shadows. "Glad to see you could make it, Sapphire, and thanks for the Aero. But a Trinity needs three... Hey Xigbar, you up for a Trinity?" ((BTW blackyoshi, you don't know blizzard. The three moves you picked are in the...
  19. Eeveeon25

    Open World in Chaos: A Sonic RP

    ((consider yourself gone. There are now six of us.)) *edits* ((Odd... I never included you in the first post! :P Okay, there's now seven of us.))
  20. Eeveeon25

    You laugh you lose (aka POST ALL FUNNY STUFF HERE)

    Re: You laugh you lose More Black20 movie trailers. This one may be the best. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bjJ-Qe73boQ&feature=rec-fresh
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