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Search results

  1. Eeveeon25

    Open Kingdom Hearts

    ((Zangoose, accepted. We'll just pretend you were already part of our group, but while we were in the Usual Place, you were looking around town somewhere else)) The Heartless started their attack, jumping from the roof-tops and tearing through shops and buildings, like they were searching for...
  2. Eeveeon25

    Open Kingdom Hearts

    "Well then, I'm off to the tracks!" said Zak as he walked out of the room, if you could call the barely roofed dead-end of the alley a "room." He headed toward the Tram Common, but upon arrival, he saw that everyone had frozen. They weren't covered in ice, and time hadn't stopped; they were...
  3. Eeveeon25

    Open World in Chaos: A Sonic RP

    "I guess we won't know 'til we get there, but if this 'Pumpkin Hill' is really haunted, and we're going after an ancient relic, I've seen enough movies to know it won't be easy... Although this meal looks good enough to soothe my nerves!" Zak said as he observed the food on the table, which had...
  4. Eeveeon25

    Open World in Chaos: A Sonic RP

    ((sorry for not posting as often as I used to, I've been busy and I'll probably remain busy)) Zak hopped into the "car," saying to himself, "I hope this adventure at least gets a little quieter soon..." Once he did, an icon flashed on the hovercar and a voice from the computer said, "All...
  5. Eeveeon25


    Dangit, I voted before I read the first post! :P Well, I voted "Other," but I'm really a meat-eater, since this thread's definition of meat-eater is someone who eats both meat and veggies.
  6. Eeveeon25

    Open The Much Talked-about Zelda RPG

    "I can be long or short," Talon said while looking out the cavern toward Lita, hoping she would be okay.
  7. Eeveeon25

    Open Digimon Adventure III: Reapermon's Revenge

    Wow... unfortunately, this looks less popular than your last Digimon RP, CB. Of course, people actually did join that one, it's just that you didn't start it. I personally love Digimon, and no offense to you, but I think that maybe not everyone here shares our enthusiasm...
  8. Eeveeon25

    Open The Much Talked-about Zelda RPG

    "I hope you're not serious, Lita," said Talon with a rather concerned look on his face. "Hylian, Zora, Rito, or Poe, there's no way you can take down this guy by yourself when not even a Link could permanently kill him!" Talon said "a" Link in reference to the fact that with the several...
  9. Eeveeon25

    The Spriter's Showcase!

    Okay. But other than the brightness and shading (if there is anything else), do you like? :sweatdrop:
  10. Eeveeon25

    Open Kingdom Hearts

    "Relax, guys," Zak said as he stood up from his chair, which was really a cardboard box, "and since when have you been so concerned about being friends with random people, Xigbar?" He then started thinking aloud while walking in circles, a somewhat annoying habit of his, "I suppose it would be...
  11. Eeveeon25

    Open World in Chaos: A Sonic RP

    Amy spoke to the group, trying to answer their questions. "We believe that each weapon's location will point you in the direction of the next. Once you all have obtained them all, it's really a matter of simply heading up to the moon and killing the griffin... if you all feel ready when the...
  12. Eeveeon25

    Open Kingdom Hearts

    "Do you really think we can take her on our own, in our current state?" Zak said to Xigbar. "I was thinking we could help out some people on other worlds, and they could in turn help us in our fight. I mean, if we're fighting the combined armies of Heartless, Nobodies, and Maleficent's Lords...
  13. Eeveeon25

    Open World in Chaos: A Sonic RP

    Amy, recovering from her sobs, told the wolf, "Well, we believe that since the weapons original owners are your ancestors, you may be naturally drawn to similar weapons."
  14. Eeveeon25

    Should there be anime only pokemon

    10th anniversary celebi. I have one. As for the subject, no, there should not be any Anime-only pokemon, although I do like the idea of them being in the anime before they come to the games... of course, they already do that (togepi, munchlax, lucario, weavile, etc.)
  15. Eeveeon25

    Open Kingdom Hearts

    BEGIN!!! The three sat around in a small room, hidden in an alley in Twilight Town, one of the few worlds not yet touched by Maleficent. They had been training under the apprenticeship of a great Keyblade warrior named Jakob at the time Maleficent attacked their headquarters on a now-destroyed...
  16. Eeveeon25

    Open World in Chaos: A Sonic RP

    BEGIN! Amy looked around the GUN meeting room. There were two GUN officers at her side, and the seven animals she had asked to meet there, all of them sitting at the table. Amy said aloud to the group, "Alright, I have called you all here for a very important reason. As you may be aware, the...
  17. Eeveeon25

    Open Kingdom Hearts

    BTW Black Yoshi 99, I noticed that several of your RP characters, including this one, are named Xigbar... Did you take that name from the KHII Organization member, or did you get it somewhere else?
  18. Eeveeon25

    Open The Much Talked-about Zelda RPG

    Talon looked around the cavern. It was small, circular cave, perhaps only fifteen feet in diameter, with them in the center. He and Raisu were in a pool that covered a little over half of the cave, and the rest was dirt and some plants that apparently did not require light to survive. Talon...
  19. Eeveeon25

    Requests Open Mewtwo's Sprite Shop that is too freakishly long to be posted in so GO TO THE NEW ONE DANGIT

    Re: Mewtwo's Sprite Shop! Sweet! Thanx, Zulo! *gets rid of old stupid avatar and replaces it with awesome avatar*
  20. Eeveeon25

    Open The Much Talked-about Zelda RPG

    "Alright, everyone stand back," Talon said as he plucked the flower. The bulb slowly turned from blue to red, indicating that it was wilting and the chemicals inside it were about to ignite. He placed it on the ground next to the rock, stood back a bit ((could I just assume you guys also...
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