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Search results

  1. Phyro Phantom

    Oh no, I apologize for being so confusing. xD Well, in the programming sense, a variable is...

    Oh no, I apologize for being so confusing. xD Well, in the programming sense, a variable is basically a paired value that is temporarily (usually for the duration of the program) stored in memory and can be referenced later. And yes, variablename can be replaced with any arbitrary value, so...
  2. Phyro Phantom

    Haha. Well, I won't be going into college until I'm 18, but that's probably for the better...

    Haha. Well, I won't be going into college until I'm 18, but that's probably for the better. (And I have a summer birthday anyway) I think I should probably try to teach you basic programming stuff, perhaps both Javascript and VBscript at the same time? Learning to see the similarities in...
  3. Phyro Phantom

    You probably should start a thread, since you sound like you know what you're doing, and your...

    You probably should start a thread, since you sound like you know what you're doing, and your art is pretty good. I would do the same thing, except I don't have a scanner. (yet) Also, my mouse drawings are kinda shaky, so I like to use vectors to go over the picture once it's on the computer...
  4. Phyro Phantom


    I fail at languages. =( I can only speak English properly, but I'm supposed to know Spanish since my parents speak it, as well as a lot of people around where I live, but I only know a few words. At least I can get all the pronunciation right. (Except the rolled R's - I could never do...
  5. Phyro Phantom

    What Games Are You Waiting For?

    Personally, I've been waiting for a new Fire Emblem game ever since I got Radiant Dawn. I still need to get my hands on Shadow Dragon, though it's more of a go get it than a wait for it. So meh... Also waiting for Nintendo to release a half-assed Mario game. Hopefully Mario Galaxy 2 will be...
  6. Phyro Phantom

    Oh my gosh, I just realized how many emoticons I used in that last post.... hehe... sorry.

    Oh my gosh, I just realized how many emoticons I used in that last post.... hehe... sorry.
  7. Phyro Phantom

    Eesh, I want a tablet too. =( And yesh, I do know something about computers, although my...

    Eesh, I want a tablet too. =( And yesh, I do know something about computers, although my expertise is currently mainly on the software side of things rather than hardware. =( I think I'll invest in Photoshop when I'm older, but for now I'm using Paint Shop Pro Studio. The Studio version is...
  8. Phyro Phantom


    Same here. At least we're winning on the poll. xD Personally, I kinda find all of this other stuff kind of strange, though I do understand it in a strange way. o_O I like girls way too much to be anything other than heterosexual though. (Plus anything else is against my religion, soooo....)
  9. Phyro Phantom

    Indeed. =P Sorry I haven't been very active lately.... I've been busy with football and...

    Indeed. =P Sorry I haven't been very active lately.... I've been busy with football and school about to start and all that. =( I'm also working on executing my evil plan of doom to fix my computer situation. First, I need to beg my dad incessantly until he helps me set up a scanner, and...
  10. Phyro Phantom

    Hey it's a random new guy!

    Hey there... Hmm, that's odd. Usually people are flooding the greetings thread. Oh well. Anyways, welcome and all that...
  11. Phyro Phantom

    How to put a link in my sig pic?

    "[sigpic]" is NOT HTML. -_- Try this:
  12. Phyro Phantom

    Gamebreakers, a more different Pokémon webcomic

    Re: Gamebreakers, a more different Pokémon webcomic Sorry for such a sloppy review, but judging from the first page, I think you need to work on legibility... Not just the text, either. It may be a little harsh, but I think you should try to make your artwork a little neater so it's easier to...
  13. Phyro Phantom

    Hey there... don't take it personally, I've been busy with football and stuff... plus school is...

    Hey there... don't take it personally, I've been busy with football and stuff... plus school is gonna start next week. >_>
  14. Phyro Phantom

    Phyro's Random Poké-Arts

    Re: Phyro's Random Poké-Arts Eeeesh.... I wish I had a scanner. (And more motivation) Sure, I draw at least every other day, (usually) but getting it onto the computer is hard without a scanner, and even when I do, it's hard to show anyone because I'm pretty much forced to ink it, (since I...
  15. Phyro Phantom

    Glitch - Scrambled Moves

    o_O Wow. I vaguely remember the Pokémon Stadium 2 Box display messing with some of my Pokémon.... but nothing like this. =/
  16. Phyro Phantom

    Hardest pokemon to catch in third generation games?

    One word - Rayquaza. I spent like two months trying to catch it... After about three hours straight on the 30th or so day, I ran out of Ultra Balls. I threw a Great Ball in frustration, and randomly caught it. o_O The Regis and Latias were also pretty hard to catch as well. In fact, I...
  17. Phyro Phantom

    Lines that kinda look like stuff

    That last one you posted has an excellent head and upper body, but the arms and legs are too thin to match. The stomach area also looks a little off... not sure how to describe it, but I think it's too... straight. Not bad though, keep going. =) Oddly, I find girls easier to draw than guys...
  18. Phyro Phantom

    What ships do you sail?

    Lolz, I've never really been into this thing. Probably 'cause I'm male, but whatever. I think Ash/May and Ash/Dawn are crazy and unrealistic, but I find those pairings funny for some reason nonetheless. Oddly, I never liked Misty because she can be annoying sometimes. =/
  19. Phyro Phantom


    Hehe... hey there. Don't be scared off by some of the crazy things people say in the introduction forums - they're just trying to be friendly. =P
  20. Phyro Phantom

    How nerdy are you?

    Nope. =P I could live without the internet, but if I never got a girlfriend I think I would die. =( Bleck... The questions weren't really fair. Just because I don't know what Jeopordy and a bunch of other old shows that no modern nerd watches is just retarded. I have to say the math...
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