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  1. Phyro Phantom

    Hi Everyone!

    Hey there. Welcome to the forums... Don't worry if you're not good at drawing yet - just keep at it and you will be. =) I never used to be any good at drawing when I was younger, but I managed to figure it out eventually. Hope you enjoy your stay...
  2. Phyro Phantom

    Hey there! Good luck with whatever you're up to.

    Hey there! Good luck with whatever you're up to.
  3. Phyro Phantom


    Hmm... I thought Magikarp could learn tackle? And flail? Even so, it sure is hard to level them. -_- Nah, that's ok. I kinda had the same idea. =P
  4. Phyro Phantom

    Heh... it's funny when we repeat things without even understanding what we mean. I guess it's...

    Heh... it's funny when we repeat things without even understanding what we mean. I guess it's human instinct - that's how we learn as children after all...
  5. Phyro Phantom

    Who/what inspired you to draw/sprite?

    Wow that sounds about the same way I got into spriting. xD I mostly do custom sprites now for my own stuff, but none of it is that good. =( I was into editing Sonic Battle/Sonic Advance sprites for a while though... most of it turned out pretty bad. I did a few edits lately just for fun and...
  6. Phyro Phantom

    Hey there! Hmm... "fortified soy beverage"? Is that like soy milk? I don't drink that any...

    Hey there! Hmm... "fortified soy beverage"? Is that like soy milk? I don't drink that any more.... though I used to a lot.
  7. Phyro Phantom


    VG Cats is the only one I really read... I guess I just got put off by all those Sonic Sprite comics. I saw way too many of those when I first got into webcomics. -_-
  8. Phyro Phantom

    Firefox and IE hate me

    Hmm, yes.... Proper nesting is very important. You might want to try validating your code to help catch errors like these. Glad you got it worked out. =)
  9. Phyro Phantom

    [Comic]Super Smash Bros LOL

    Lolz. Well it was pretty bad, and it is over a year old. Maybe I should redo the text with the text tool sometime. -_- Don't worry, my newer handrawn comics aren't this bad... >_> I just thought I'd post it because it was just kinda... there. I know. =) That was intentional lol. By the...
  10. Phyro Phantom

    Hey... if you're still on, would you mind taking a look at my new comic thread? It's an old...

    Hey... if you're still on, would you mind taking a look at my new comic thread? It's an old mouse-drawn comic I did way back when, but I think it's kinda funny... might be worth a look.
  11. Phyro Phantom

    [Comic]Super Smash Bros LOL

    This is an older comic that I felt like uploading because it's funny. It was drawn in MS paint with a mouse so it doesn't look so pretty. =P I only have a few pages and I may or may not ever continue it. Heh, looking at the date these are older than I thought - I drew them last year. You...
  12. Phyro Phantom


    Um... I'm not really sure how you're supposed to do it. No one's ever told me or anything. =( Is there a site or somewhere that details it or something? From what I understand, you use the pokéradar thing to get a pokémon to appear, you defeat it, then go to the next one, etc., trying to get...
  13. Phyro Phantom

    What were you and your partner in PMD red and blue?

    I was a Cyndaquil and my partner was Mudkip. =3 We pwned everything together lolz. But then I had to go evolve them both... I kinda regret it now. In fact, I recently restarted, and got a Charmander with a Chikorita partner. This may be off topic, but I got Pikachu and Mudkip in MD2.
  14. Phyro Phantom

    Phyro's Random Poké-Arts

    Re: Phyro's Random Poké-Arts Hmm... I thought I put all the colors below the line art... I just double checked though, and it looks like I messed up the positioning on the shading layer. =( I guess that's what I get for shading it in a separate program. As for the eyes, they kinda bug me...
  15. Phyro Phantom

    Oops, looks like the post didn't go through because my login expired... hold on.

    Oops, looks like the post didn't go through because my login expired... hold on.
  16. Phyro Phantom

    If you want to see something funny, check out the "behind the avatar" thread. I just posted...

    If you want to see something funny, check out the "behind the avatar" thread. I just posted there as a joke.
  17. Phyro Phantom

    Lolz. Well I just replied to your review. Sorry it took so long - I had to do stuff.

    Lolz. Well I just replied to your review. Sorry it took so long - I had to do stuff.
  18. Phyro Phantom

    Thanks for the comment. =)

    Thanks for the comment. =)
  19. Phyro Phantom

    Yeah, you're right I probably should. My fingers just keep going towards those keys, hehe.

    Yeah, you're right I probably should. My fingers just keep going towards those keys, hehe.
  20. Phyro Phantom

    Your Biggest "Fail" Moment in a Video Game

    =O I thought I was the only one that did that! That's not my most epic fail moment though... It'd have to be when I was playing Super Mario World with my old friend, (yeah I'm a bit of a retro gamer. =) I still have a working SNES) and I was foolishly bragging about how good I was at it...
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