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Search results

  1. H

    To Evolve Or Not To Evolve?

    Hey, well, I've been having a bit of a dilemma on Heart Gold. It involves my Riolu. I got this Riolu at lvl 1 from my cousin (hence why I haven't nicknamed it). It's currently lvl 35, and is also at max happiness, and has been since around lvl 25. Yes, TEN LEVELS of it trying to evolve, and it...
  2. H

    Pokemon Memorial Thread

    Killer, Kyutipi and Scyko. Killer was a l100 Swampert, and was also the only l100 Pokemon I ever had. He was insanely powerful, and could kill the League all by himself. Kyutipi was his comrade - the Milotic I woke up to find one day, as my mum had spent all night trying to get it for me (yes...
  3. H

    Magikarp: the Gathering

    ((the stuff in the post may have been noticed before)) I think I found something! I just started, and in the EVs page source code, I found a bunch of odd stuff. Well, y'know how the clues at this stage are in green and have a ! in the code? Well, a bunch of links have gone green and have the...
  4. H

    You laugh you lose (aka POST ALL FUNNY STUFF HERE)

    Re: You laugh you lose I lost on practically every single image here. Therefore, I've copied this idea and taken it to www.giantitp.com/forums. Thanks guys!
  5. H

    Rotom: Legendary, or not?

    Mmm... I'm not sure. I like to think of Rotom s a legendary, but I know that everything about it is just too normal for that to be true. I personally like to think that Rotom is a pseudo-legendary, or something.
  6. H

    your "Holy crap!" moments

    I was playing Dragonshard, and it was me vs. 2 CPUs. I thought I had wiped out one base and I had gone onto the other, but then the people from the base I thought I had wiped out came back. Their Champion went super saiyan on my Champion and I lost. T.T Persona 4: I have plenty of Pokemon...
  7. H

    Rival Names

    Red: Thomas (boy at school I don't like) I can never remember my GSC rivals... so in HGSS he's gonna be Silver, because I'm lazy like that. Pearl: Vespe (this guy from AMEN who's as crazy as the rival) Platinum: Matthew, but I want to rename him Sam... I give my rivals reasnoble names, but I...
  8. H

    Well, You Thought Wrong

    I used to think that the correct trendy phrase in R/S/E would get me a Mew. No joke. I also thought Silver was a girl, until the officer called him a boy. After that, I looked up his official art and fell in love. And - wait, what?! Bugsy's a GUY?! Whaaaaaat?!
  9. H

    Nosy Birthday Question

    Saturday. Also, you have the rhyme wrong. Friday and Saturday are the wrong way round. Friday's child "is loving and giving" and Satuday's child "works hard for a living". Just so you know.
  10. H

    What's ironic or surprising in your Pokemon game?

    I got bored training my Pokemon in Pearl, so I dumped my (traded) Prinplup into the Day Care and forgot about it. I remembered it when I got to Canalave, and got it out to find out that it was a higher level then my Infernape (my starter). And there was also the time when I switched on Sapphire...
  11. H

    HeartGold And SoulSilver

    I'm going to get Soul Silver; except for my copy of Red, I have a tradition of getting the second one; Silver, Sapphire, Pearl, and now SS. I'm going to pick Chikorita for my starter, because I don't like Cynda and its evolutions, and I'm "meh" Totodile-wise, but I love Chikorita. And my name...
  12. H

    Ever "caught 'em all"?

    No, never. The closest was the Sapphire file I accidently deleted. I had 196 seen and 195 caught. I was very proud of that file. I needed Treeko, Latios, and three Ruby exclusives as I remember. I think I may have gotten 151 on a very old Red file... but seeing as I recently restarted, I have...
  13. H

    TCoD: The Café of Doom

    Re: TCoD: The Café of Doom -walks in with Rosaline (Eevee), Theresa (female Mewtwo) and Bauble (Mew) in tow- Celebi: Aloha! Rosaline: Nice place they have here. Theresa: I like the decor. Bauble: Zzzzz... Celebi: Bauble, wake up! -slaps- Bauble: Wuh? Ahh! I overslept again! Theresa: DON'T SLAP...
  14. H

    HeartGold And SoulSilver

    Jay! Getting SoulSilver definately, even though it means I'll have 5 games running at once (Red, Sapphire, Pearl, Platinum, SS). And starter? Chikorita, without a doubt. I love Chikorita. Anyone think that the 'Gotta SEE 'em all' thing will carry over from D/P/Pt? I hope so!
  15. H

    D/P/Pt Major League Problem - Advice Needed!

    Aloha. I'm in a pickle right now, and I could use some help. I'm stuck at the worst part of the game to be stuck at - the E4 and Champion - in Pearl. My current team is a very good team, and they've got me through all 8 Gyms and Mt. Coronet. Sadly, I have a feeling that they're not quite as...
  16. H

    Pokemon Memorial Thread

    RIP Killer, Kyogre, Latias, Rayquaza, Skar and Kyutipi. My Sapphire game. I didn't ACCIDENTALLY save over my Sapphire file. I did it on purpose. But I regret it. I guess I just wanted to do a Torchic game, since I always used Mudkip/Marshtomp/Swampert before. But I had a lvl. 100 Swampert...
  17. H

    Oh My God! I Killed The Main Character!

    I was playing Nancy Drew : The Haunting of Castle Mallory and I was making Nancy walk around. And I see a pond. I walk into the pond... only to discover it's a cliff X.X. Of course, this is made even funnier by the game itself: So, have any of you made a fatal error on a game that turned out...
  18. H

    What ships do you sail?

    AdvanceShipping - say no more. I love this one. RocketShipping - Jessie's cute, James is cute, and there are a bazillion hints. OrangeShipping - I've never liked Misty, but this one is sorta cute. Especially if you watch the second half of OI in French. What? I was revising for an exam...
  19. H

    Should Pikachu evolve into a Raichu already?

    It's been stated several times in the anime that Pikachu hates Raichus. I don't think he'll ever evolve.
  20. H

    Weird Mail - revived

    Heh. I keep getting these emails from these (probably fake) women saying 'I saw your ad, I also like sex on the side' etc. I delete 'em. Actually, my Gmail account receives about one hundred bits of spam a day.
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