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Search results

  1. H

    Funny Moments at School

    Once, I kicked my shoe on the roof. No kidding. It was Parent's Evening, and my parents were failing to conceal thier laughter when I told them. The head teacher got it off the roof. Also, my Geoggers teachers is NUTS. She's really nice, but she scares the living daylights out of us. The...
  2. H

    Theories that no one else would believe.

    Well... I have one, but you cannot tell anyone. I think that lawn gnomes, Mews (except Mew Trick Mews), cookies, old ladies and plastic flamingos are allied against us. They're trying to take over the world with the power of cheapness, bad cooking, knitting needles and pinkness. Think about...
  3. H

    Requests Open Drifloon's Splice and Recolor Shop!

    Ooh, shiny. Can I have a Sneasel/Eevee and a Weavile/Glaceon please? With Eevee/Glaceon as the base?
  4. H

    Funny Moments at School

    On the school bus, I got up to chat to a mate. When I came back, this really tough Y8 had nicked my seat. I told him to get out my seat, and he didn't. The next thing anyone knows is that I've grabbed him by the collar and literally pulled him out of the seat. He's on the floor, yelling, and...
  5. H

    Words you like to say.

    Ood. Just say it. You won't be able to stop. Ooood.
  6. H

    The Vendetta Thread

    Do you have a vendetta against a certain person or thing? Do you have an urge to destroy, defeat or stop it? Then this thread is for you! Post what you have a vendetta against here. Maybe you could find someone to team up with against it! Me? Cynthia, the Champion of D/P. She is SO dead, dead...
  7. H

    How long can you go? A Challenge topic

    Aggh, I failed... Level 20 Marshtomp, lost to Brawly's Machop. Pathetic. After I've completed Pearl (I'll get you someday, Cynthia...) I'll have a go on it.
  8. H

    How long can you go? A Challenge topic

    Oh, put me down for this! Playing Sapphire, using Mudkip, probably won't get much done (7:00pm where I am), but what the heck. I'm not gonna save it as I have a pretty good file already (yeah, I only just beat Flannery, but hey), but this should be pretty fun.
  9. H

    What was your first ever Pokémon game?

    Re: What was your first ever Pokémon game? Red. Then I got Yellow. Then I got Silver. Then I lost my GBC along with R and Y :(. Then I got Sapphire. Then FR. Then I lost my SP along with S and FR. Then I gave Yellow to my cousin. Then I got my DS along with Mystery Dungeon Blue. Then I got...
  10. H

    D/P/Pt Snorlax used Curse! ...the attack missed!?

    ...WTF?! How can CURSE miss? That's like the time Esmee (Mityena [sp]) hurt herself with Sand-Attack!
  11. H

    The worst(NOT MOST EVIL!) evil team?

    Aqua. When I first heard their plan, I said "...you're kidding, right?" Actually, strike that, Galactic's worse then Aqua. My thoughts on their plan: "You have to be joking! That's the stupidest thing I've EVER HEARD!" And i think Rocket has more style. Even if Cyrus & Co did set off the most...
  12. H

    Do you ever get the feeling...

    Once, yes. When DP came out and I was looking at the 4gen Pokemon. I saw Leafeon and went 'Holy cow!' Why? A few years beforehand, me and my cousin had been complaining that we so need a Grass-type Eeveelution. We made one up and called it Leafeon. 0.o Weirdness.
  13. H

    High Pitched Voices?

    I agree: from what I've seen/heard/whatever of DP, Ash still hasn't hit puberty. His voice is still quite high pitched. And I agree on the May part - her voice is very high pitched.
  14. H

    What is your favorite starter (final evolution)?

    Swampert and Charizard. Charizard because he's just plain awesome, Swampert because I used to have a lvl. 100 Swampert (named 'Killer', lol) on my Sapphire game. I was going to trade him over to Pearl once I got Pal Park (Cynthia woulda been soooo dead lol), but I got bored and made a new game...
  15. H

    Would Mewtwo be better in a darker anime?

    Well, I agree, to a certain extent. Yes, Mewtwo's ending in M2SB was rubbish. I preferred the one in M2R, actually, because that shows him as the mysterious loner that I envision him to be. I can see him getting caught by surprise and almost killed by (very powerful) wild Pokemon, and sending...
  16. H

    Unintenional Innuendoes!

    -laughs head off at Oak thing- Also, on the same route as the Shorts Youngster, there's a Lass who says 'Eek! Did you touch me?'
  17. H

    Posting disabled

    Stupid spammers! I think I'll set my personal assassin, Nyurio, on them... -runs away to get him-
  18. H

    Goodbye, beloved Meowth...

    She'll live on with me... I'm called Maddie too...
  19. H

    D/P/Pt Where is the Sharp Claw?

    -twitch- Victory... Road? Battle... Tower? Thank God for Route 224!!! Edit: -swears- I just saw where R224 was... But that's okay. I spent like half and hour looking for the Claw in VR, and I got it! -snuggles Weavile-
  20. H

    R/B/Y Worst battle, breeding and training mistakes

    Teaching Pertsch (my Empolon) Surf, Aqua Jet and Waterfall >.< . It still has those moves today. Also, my cousin traded it to me, and one of its moves when it was traded over? CUT. No wonder I try to use my other Pokemon instead of it... But it's OK for fighting Fire-types, not much else...
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