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Search results

  1. H

    The Second Meeting

    "Why...Why, just Why would someone do this..." Canada murmurs to himself. He seemed to be still in shock that someone would do this. Canada looks at the group. "Does anyone have an idea as to what happened...?"
  2. H

    The Legend of Zelda Club

    Yeah Skyward Sword was pretty solid. The only thing I outright hated was that harp minigame. It was so terrible. Also the combat could also get broken if you spammed invincibility potions. Which I did on the final boss(I had no idea what I was doing either)
  3. H

    The Secondary Meeting (Hetalia)

    Try your best! It's okay Zexion! :'D
  4. H

    Colours Mafia

    I'm in if that's okay~
  5. H

    Fallen London Mafia

    I'm in if that's okay~
  6. H

    Mafia Idea Center

    Hmm...Has there been a Harry Potter Mafia? New Homestuck Troll Mafia? Chinese Zodiac Animal Mafia? Cats Vs Dog Mafia?
  7. H

    Oh hey. Is the Hetalia Mafia game starting soon? :v

    Oh hey. Is the Hetalia Mafia game starting soon? :v
  8. H


    Welcome to TCoD! I'm Harvest Ty Beware of Britain's scones kay' *Flees*
  9. H


    I don't feel either way with cussing. My upbringing makes me dislike it in general, but occasionally I kinda let peer pressure get to me, combined with the fact that most people cuss at school, and I occasionally cuss without meaning too. It's just become so mainstream and over used that I feel...
  10. H

    Mafia Idea Center

    Is anyone planning a new mafia game soon? I was just kinda curious. Hmm...It be cool to have a Manga Mixup Mafia. Imagine if Tohru from Fruits basket was mafia. I'd die laughing!
  11. H

    oh god I'm new

  12. H

    Your Favorite Anime?

    I'm just curious. If you don't like Anime, post your favorite cartoon instead. Mine is Clannad. It's so sweet and it's a really beautiful Anime. :>
  13. H

    What Games Are You Playing?

    -Replaying Chrono Trigger DS -Playing Animal Crossing City Folk -Waiting Anxiously for paper mario sticker star -Trying to get back into MK7 Yup I'm a busy gamer
  14. H

    oh god I'm new

    "Oh wait those Scones are dang-"*sees Britain glare* *Coughs* "Dang-lisous! The the best scones Dang scones I've ever tasted." Also your Avy is the best. :D
  15. H

    The punishment game II

    Maiming people? My, my, Jake you should know better. 5,000 years of isolation in White room for you.
  16. H

    Let's make a story 7 words at a time!

    Once upon a time in a land inhabited by sea creatures, an ancient curse caused all the squids to lose their Inky defenses. Distraught by this curse the High Council of Squidkind sought the wisdom of the Squissage, who lived in the murky depths of the Boca Diablo Abyss. Rumor had it, the Abyss...
  17. H

    Welcome! *Hands Kenne a bunch of W Cupcakes*

    Welcome! *Hands Kenne a bunch of W Cupcakes*
  18. H

    So what exactly is the Welcome mat? :?

    So what exactly is the Welcome mat? :?
  19. H

    oh god I'm new

    Hihi! Welcome To Teh Cave! Nice too meetcha(Even though I'm still new/shot)
  20. H

    Let's make a story 7 words at a time!

    Once upon a time in a land inhabited by sea creatures, an ancient curse caused all the squids to lose their Inky defenses. Distraught by this curse the High Council of Squidkind sought the wisdom of the Squissage, who lived in the
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