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Search results

  1. golden999

    The Challenge Board

    3vs3 single Style: Switch DQ: A week Damage Cap: 30% Banned Moves: OHKO, Weather Moves Arena: Greenhouse A normal greenhouse. Solarbeam and synthesis are allowed, and watering cans litter the area. You can use these cans to form a small pond which Water-types can swim in.
  2. golden999

    Should Pikachu evolve into a Raichu already?

    I think I know why Pikachu isn't evolving: He's holding a Light Ball. If he had evolved, than his Attack and Special Attack would be less than if he stays. Negrek gave this post a bumping warning.
  3. golden999

    Well, this doesn't make any sense!

    I think it's because the Sinnoh League can also refer to getting all 8 badges in the Sinnoh Region, which Ash did in that series.
  4. golden999


    I'll take the tea and cod.
  5. golden999


    HAIIIIIIIIIIIIII! I'm a guy who has no life. I spend most of my time either gaming or looking up stuff about games, so I thought that this was a good place for me.
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