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Search results

  1. Wobbles

    Thanks for that. Now I get to have fun on the IRC!

    Thanks for that. Now I get to have fun on the IRC!
  2. Wobbles

    #tcod tutorial 2.0

    For some very strange reason, I can't seem to connect. The server doesn't like to actually change to "irc.veekun.com/6667", and reverts to "newserver/6667". What am I doing wrong? EDIT: Fixed it! Turns out you need to hit enter to make it work right. Might I suggest putting this in the guide...
  3. Wobbles

    Caption the Avatar Above You

    Arylett the red-nosed... Wait, what is she again?
  4. Wobbles

    Caption the Avatar Above You

    So, how's the weather down there?
  5. Wobbles

    Caption the Avatar Above You

    Am I dangerously adorable or WHAT?!
  6. Wobbles

    Caption the Avatar Above You

    "I'm sorry, but I believe that in two months, the tumor will separate and call itself a new name."
  7. Wobbles

    Stupid things you thought were true

    I believe another one I thought was that if you hold a certain button combination with just the right timing, you could make a pokeball have the same catch rate as a master ball in RS. I actually thought it worked because it actually worked on the first try against Regirock.
  8. Wobbles

    Caption the Avatar Above You

    NO FAIRIES?!?!?!?
  9. Wobbles

    Caption the Avatar Above You

    ^Adorable death stereotype!
  10. Wobbles

    Caption the Avatar Above You

    Do you like my flower? I picked it just to blow up your castle.
  11. Wobbles

    'Tis a Shiny!

    All these shiny stories are great! I feel like I've finally made my first successful thread... DarkAura, what I was trying to do was give directions to get to Giant Chasm in the first place, but I like your instructions too.
  12. Wobbles

    Caption the Avatar Above You

    "And this is what I'll do to you if you EVER tell anyone what we did."
  13. Wobbles

    Lie About the Above Poster

    ^ Has a brain bigger than a walnut.
  14. Wobbles

    Lie About the Above Poster

    ^ Secretly has 1,000,000 Bibarel slaves hidden in Bill's PC.
  15. Wobbles

    Caption the Avatar Above You

    If you'll excuse me, I do believe that I'm being recalled to my pokeball.
  16. Wobbles

    Caption the Avatar Above You

    Uh... I can explain.
  17. Wobbles

    Game Recommendations

    I do apologize, friend, but I do believe that Reach has a lot less going for it than you claim. for example: -the campaign is actually lacking in some places. While I felt sad after Jorge's death, I was upset by the general lack of reaction among the cast. Kat: "Where is he?" Noble 6: "He...
  18. Wobbles

    NES/SNES pronunciation

    Well, I say "Ness" for NES, and "Super Ness" for SNES. So I chose the bottom answer.
  19. Wobbles

    New Nintendo Console!

    Alright, as some know, Nintendo will be unveiling "Project Cafe" at E3 this year. Here's the question... Wanna watch? At 9:00 PDT, Nintendo will be hosting a LIVE video of their new console unveiling. Here's the place.
  20. Wobbles

    'Tis a Shiny!

    Giant Chasm is the place that leads to Kyurem, the worst of the new Pokemon, in my honest opinion. Okay, from the town to the east of Opelucid City, across the Village Bridge, go down a ways, then start going u- Wait, why am I giving directions? I would suggest looking at an official Pokemon...
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