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Stupid things you thought were true

I also thought that Skarmory, Slugma, Phanpy AND Wooper and Remoraid were from Gen III, not Gen II.

Skarmory's pretty easy to miss in Gen II games (in fact you probably don't ever see it if you have Gold), and iirc you never see Slugma anywhere in GSC except for the wild ones on Cycling Road, so that's probably quite reasonable considering they're both far more plentiful in RSE.
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I believed this one myth about how if you ever managed to get out to the grass outside the fence in Kanto, you could encounter ANY Pokemon. I never tried it with a cheating device or anything, but I was very disappointed when I found out it was fake. :c

Then there was the rumor that people who have Japanese Green or Red version can get Mew from Gamefreak in Celadon City if they catch all 150 Pokemon.

And there was some fake glitch for Gold and Silver where you do something at the Bug Catching Contest with the red Gyarados to make one of your Pokemon shiny.
I believed there was a mysterious field in Mount Silver that had a high shiny encounter rate. x3 I read this from Pojo.com about eight or so years ago, and I was a gullible kid. I never actually had the patience to go look, though, given I played Silver on a N64 set up.
I used to think that I could catch Jirachi in Emerald. Pretty stupid since it was only a rumor...
And then the Shelmet comes out and is very sexy. For a bug.
Anyways... I believed that my friends were idiots for believing these. Does that count?
I also believed Skarmory was apart of RSE. I realized it was in GSC because of the Johto episode I watched with that girl with skarmory.
When Gold and Silver first came out, my brother told me never to save and turn off my game while Surfing on the way to Cianwood. Otherwise, he said, wild Tentacruel would eat my Pokémon =,(
I used to think Cyndaquil was something powerful. Not the "all Ash's Pokémon are strong, especially if they're small" kind of powerful. I thought it was a completely different Pokémon.
It started with reading the summary of an episode which is about Ash attempting to get Cyndaquil. It gave me the impression that Cyndaquil is awfully rare, elusive and stuff like that. There was also a picture of Cyndaquil using Flamethrower, but it was very small and from a strange angle, so I couldn't recognize what it was supposed to be and thought that the wall of fire was the Pokémon itself. Based on the name, I thought it was supposed to look like an eagle, so I imagined a big bird with stronger Fire-type attributes than Moltres. And I knew it couldn't be legendary.
The small basic form of a Fire starter that gets scared easily, is an obvious mammal, has colors that don't resemble fire very much and only shows its flames under the influence of strong emotions is quite different from it. Except that it's rare. All starters are.
I believe another one I thought was that if you hold a certain button combination with just the right timing, you could make a pokeball have the same catch rate as a master ball in RS. I actually thought it worked because it actually worked on the first try against Regirock.
I thought that Shelmet evolved into Escavalier.
I also thought that if I held down certain buttons, the catch rate would go up. D:
That Lugia was part Water-type.
I used to think that if you didn't mark your Pokemon, they'd run away from you if you didn't use them or something. I know that isn't true (or at least, I don't think so anymore), but I still like to mark all of my Pokemon.
I thought that Ho-Oh was a turkey, and Chikorita could fly like a Helicopter.


nuff said
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