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Search results

  1. Wobbles


    Hey guys... I found a vein of Diamond! My first ever, and it had seven! I made two diamond pickaxes, then realized that I should have made a Diamond sword.
  2. Wobbles

    Hacking, Jailbreaking, Modding- Wrong or Right

    I believe that hacking, Jailbraking, modding, is okay. What really pisses me off, however, is when people start downloading thing that would usually cost money (such as a DS emulator with ROMs) and start bragging about it! Me: Hey, you got your DS? Guy 1: Yeah, I'll grab it real quick. Guy 2...
  3. Wobbles

    What Pokémon/Type/Level of Obsession Are You?

    Re: What Pokémon/Type/Level of Obsession Are You? I am a... 30% Gamer. You have some interest in Pokémon gaming. 15% Animé-freak. You have no interest in the Pokémon animé. 40% Pokémon Know-it-all. You have some interest in researching Pokémon. 60% Obsessed. Pokémon is...
  4. Wobbles

    Caption the Avatar Above You

    "Oh my god, I've gone blind!"
  5. Wobbles

    Stupid things you thought were true

    Well, peraining to holding down the buttons, my friend and I tried it all. we also thought that shouting "Gotcha" into the DS mic would guarantee capture. I originally thought that Mew evolved into Mewtwo. A guy at my school swore up and down on two things. -Splash does damage -Cloyster...
  6. Wobbles

    'Tis a Shiny!

    Okay, so I'm grinding up my Emboar in the Giant Chasm... And I get into the umpteenth double battle. It's a Solrock and a Metang, typical, right? Wrong! The Solrock was Shiny! I was checking it's moves afterwards, and noticed that it had Explosion... I have no clue how lucky I am... EDIT: To...
  7. Wobbles

    No, see, you want to hatch a Wynaut, then evolve it into Wobbuffet, keeping Encore in exchange...

    No, see, you want to hatch a Wynaut, then evolve it into Wobbuffet, keeping Encore in exchange for Destiny Bond, but that's just me.
  8. Wobbles

    ATTN: Introductions

    I"m new here, and I'm only p[osting here to get rid of the idiotic header. I'm currently also a member of the Psypoke forums (same screen name), but haven't been going on there recently. I'm usually found in discussion threads, and very rarely will I be found in any kin of RP or anything...
  9. Wobbles

    If you had been born the opposite sex, what would you have been named?

    Let's see... Seeing as my first name is Daniel, I would most likely be named Danielle. (There have been ignorant people that thought "Daniel" was pronounced like "Danielle" for some reason.)
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