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Search results

  1. Dewgongian

    Fuck Palin

    You win.
  2. Dewgongian

    Wiimote rip-off

    I saw that thing. Called Styx or something like that? Anyway, yeah. Nintendo will probably sue. Not so much for motion sensing, but the company did take a lot of guidance from the Wii. The remote and play are exactly the same as the Wii. Making the ripoff play Flash games really won't change...
  3. Dewgongian

    Songs you cant stand

    Art thou referring to me?
  4. Dewgongian

    Fuck Palin

    When fucking hell freezes over.
  5. Dewgongian

    Songs you cant stand

    All hip-hop played on the radio. NOT a generalization. They stopped playing the good hip-hop. For fuck's sake, no one wants to listen to goddamn Soulja Boy day and night.
  6. Dewgongian


    I'm fat and ugly...no.
  7. Dewgongian

    BLUB dont patronize me

    BLUB dont patronize me
  8. Dewgongian

    You laugh you lose (aka POST ALL FUNNY STUFF HERE)

    Re: You laugh you lose 10 bucks I can summarize this thread in one image. Here we go:
  9. Dewgongian


    I want at least ONE copy of GH. Shall I get it on the Wii instead?
  10. Dewgongian

    Your name is the most awesomest thing EVAR.

    Your name is the most awesomest thing EVAR.
  11. Dewgongian

    Best Pixar Movie Ever?

    They're all great movies, not to mention instant classics.
  12. Dewgongian

    You laugh you lose (aka POST ALL FUNNY STUFF HERE)

    Re: You laugh you lose need bigger image
  13. Dewgongian

    BLUB dont patronize me

    BLUB dont patronize me
  14. Dewgongian


    I dunno; I have to get a memory card first.
  15. Dewgongian

    What happened to all the themes?

    Oh, my bad.
  16. Dewgongian

    What happened to all the themes?

    There used to be a whole bunch of themes for the forums. Voice of the Forest, Articuno theme, etc... What happened to them?
  17. Dewgongian

    Swampert forum

    http://www.dragonflycave.com/forums/showthread.php?t=812 Now stop with this foolishness.
  18. Dewgongian

    You laugh you lose (aka POST ALL FUNNY STUFF HERE)

    Re: You laugh you lose Wut about my pictures?
  19. Dewgongian


    Re: You go "Awwwwwwwwww," you lose I found this a bit grotesque.
  20. Dewgongian

    You laugh you lose (aka POST ALL FUNNY STUFF HERE)

    Re: You laugh you lose I'll try and bring it back.
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