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You laugh you lose (aka POST ALL FUNNY STUFF HERE)

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Re: You laugh you lose


EDIT: Isn't it funny how they aren't synchronized?
no, not at ALL. they both start at the same spot, and move at the same speed, so of COURSE they'll be synchronized.

ontopic: I loved that picture of the Pope on the magazine cover. I have a theory, and that theory is that everything having to do with the Pope is funny. seriously. or maybe it's just that the word sounds like "poop".
Re: You laugh you lose


Poor kid
Re: You laugh you lose

The person who drew that is.....very good at drawing! I mean look at the detail! amazing!

brb, need to get some brain bleach ;-; when i get my damn scanner working i can take REVENGE

this should do for now <3 It amuses and terrifies me (if you don't like creepy crawlies then DON'T click)

holy munch ducks....how did that spider get there in the first place, i wonder? did no one notice it wandering around the house? they could have politely pointed it towards the toilet....
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