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Search results

  1. Kabigon

    Fifth Generation Evolutions?

    I still like how some of the Pokemon look. But it's been a turn off since the game is turning from "exotic creatures" into "viruses from Megaman Battle Network". I mean, I saw a Pokemon wearing a Dobok! THAT ISN'T NATURAL! inb4hitmonchanhasgloves
  2. Kabigon

    Fifth Generation Evolutions?

    Well it's official. I've been officially turned off from this generation.
  3. Kabigon

    Fifth Generation Evolutions?

    Err, I can't really seem to tell which ones are evolutions/pre-evolutions of previous gen Pokemon. Only one that I noticed was Luvdisc and I'm still not 100% sure about that. Any help?
  4. Kabigon

    Need A TvTropes Idea

    I wanted to make a page about how the Hero/Villan in some shows will generally come out with a LEGIT PLAN of accomplishing some goal yet it has a small flaw that makes it fail, a GENERALLY FIXABLE FLAW. I thought of this because in one episode, Team Rocket apparently decided to use jet engines...
  5. Kabigon

    Pre-Pokeball Shiny

    It may not be the same, but I saw a shiny Manetric in the Battle Tower. I was like FUUUUUU!
  6. Kabigon


    She sucks and so does her stupid Miltank. Who else agrees?
  7. Kabigon

    And then you realized...

    Have any of you been going about your business doing something you like, and then all of a sudden, you came to a realization? I was outside cutting the grass and then I finally realized. Mimes ARE kind of creepy! Have any of you ever had moments like these?
  8. Kabigon

    Sinnoh Grand Festival

    ^Thanks captain bringdown. Anyways, I haven't been keeping tabs on the Japanese Anime (don't know where to watch it lol) so I really couldn't answer. Has Ash gotten that fifth badge yet?
  9. Kabigon

    Super Effective

    http://www.vgcats.com/super/ Comic #38. What the fuck is this comic about. I mean seriously, I looked at it for like 15 minutes trying to figure what it was about.
  10. Kabigon

    Generation V Official Thread!

    Official just sounds, 'cooler' you know.
  11. Kabigon

    Generation V Official Thread!

    Took them long enough. If this is how most of the Pokemon will look, in Generation Five, then right now, I'm not impressed. Known Facts -Zoroa and Zoroark seem to be the main Pokemon in the upcomoing Thirtenth Movie. Speculation Any Speculations?
  12. Kabigon

    12th Movie = EPIC

    I'm not going to lie, this was the best movie that they have ever made.
  13. Kabigon

    Parents And The Computer?

    Why is it that parents are scared beyond belief about their kids using the computer/internet? I mean, I know it's a dangerous world, but you have to be incredibly oblivious if you get your identity stolen over the internet. Today, me and my dad were having a conversation about me keeping the...
  14. Kabigon

    Look At This

    The funny thing is, I go to to school.
  15. Kabigon

    Look At This

  16. Kabigon

    12th Movie = EPIC

    That was the movie's major flaw. Whoever casted Arceus's voice should be shot.
  17. Kabigon

    12th Movie = EPIC

    This was probably created before. Anyways, recently, I've become detached from the Pokemon Anime. I knew the new Arceus movie was going to come out but I really didn't plan on watching it. Then, all of a sudden, I felt myself with NOTHING to do yesterday. So I watched the little rerun they had...
  18. Kabigon

    HeartGold And SoulSilver

    Off Topic: This got a lot bigger than I thought it would get O.O On Topic: The BellSprout Tower music always scared me. Even when I play the ROM, when I go there I play with the sound off.
  19. Kabigon

    Obama to cut summer vacation and lengthen school day

    Year round school WOULD be better. I'm assuming you're not in the U.S. but anyways where I live at, we start school at 8:00 and don't get out until 3:30. It's already hard enough getting out of bed so early in the morning but if we got home later, that would cut into our plans.
  20. Kabigon

    Obama to cut summer vacation and lengthen school day

    Well I could hardly give a crap because even if this was passed in time for next year I'd only have 2 more years of school anyways. The school system in the States is flawed also. If they made the day start at say around 9:30 instead of 8:00 a lot of students would be fully awake.
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