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Search results

  1. NegativeVibe

    Oh yeah, course. I sort of got the two names mixed up, haha. :D That is a really good drawing...

    Oh yeah, course. I sort of got the two names mixed up, haha. :D That is a really good drawing! I noticed you said it used stench and sound-based attacks. What are some examples of those? A monkey and a lion? That is one of the most awesome things I have ever heard of. (Yeah, homework is...
  2. NegativeVibe

    Hi. You mean like what it says in my sig?

    Hi. You mean like what it says in my sig?
  3. NegativeVibe


    Yes, check out the anime-style battling; it's fun. Hi. :D
  4. NegativeVibe

    Wow! It's complicated, haha, but very well thought out! :) The Nothing type has a cool look to...

    Wow! It's complicated, haha, but very well thought out! :) The Nothing type has a cool look to it; I like it. Same goes for the Mind one. It looks very surreal, which I think really fits the element. Do certain Mind types exemplify Thoughts, Emotions, or Senses more than the others of the...
  5. NegativeVibe

    What instrument do you play?

    Piano and clarinet; I usually can only practice in the summer. I suck at both of them :P When I was in band, I was told I had good tone on the clarinet. That was my only asset though.
  6. NegativeVibe

    Oh, that's really interesting! The elements are a really cool concept. What are some examples...

    Oh, that's really interesting! The elements are a really cool concept. What are some examples of Mind and Nothing types? Oh yeah, some wouldn't exactly fit as fakemon. But of course, some of Nintendo's designs are pretty random, like Ditto. How many Creations have you made? :)
  7. NegativeVibe

    In Progress Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A Divide

    Ok awesome! :) I'll read the edit soon and get back to you on it. And you're right, I forgot that first-person narratives are always a little biased. :) EDIT: Great rewrite. :) It was a lot clearer, and I'm excited for the next chapter!
  8. NegativeVibe

    Introducing: A new member!

    Hey! Your Eevee sprite is adorable, and Rayquaza is amazing, so...yeah! Welcome to tcod. :)
  9. NegativeVibe

    Oh, interesting. How do your creations differ from actual Pokemon? :) Haha, yes. I do see the...

    Oh, interesting. How do your creations differ from actual Pokemon? :) Haha, yes. I do see the dog resemblance. Adding antennae is a nice addition too.
  10. NegativeVibe


    Oh hello. You seem quite amazing so that's always good. :) There are a lot of interesting topics you can check out here, so have fun.
  11. NegativeVibe


    Hey. :D I like your avatar. Welcome to the forums!
  12. NegativeVibe

    Greetings, fellow members.

    Why, hello random person. :) I like your writing style. It just sounds...awesome. So, yeah, hi!
  13. NegativeVibe

    Wow! Those are really good. (Even the doodles, haha.) It's cool that you gave her a fire typing...

    Wow! Those are really good. (Even the doodles, haha.) It's cool that you gave her a fire typing as well. They must have taken a lot of time :) I like the beast form especially. It sort of reminds me of a wolf. Good job!
  14. NegativeVibe

    Oh, yes, I would love to see! :) It sounds cool. No problem with the late replies. :D I've...

    Oh, yes, I would love to see! :) It sounds cool. No problem with the late replies. :D I've been a little slow on logging on the past couple of weeks because of homework anyway.
  15. NegativeVibe

    Khaos The Awesome Guy never made this thread.

    Re: Soo..... Hi awesome person Welcome to tcod!
  16. NegativeVibe

    Yes! It's really fun to express yourself in your writing. And a loose outline is always a good...

    Yes! It's really fun to express yourself in your writing. And a loose outline is always a good idea, so you have room for creativity without going completely off-topic. So, when does she change forms? Can she do it at will, or does it depend on where she is or how she feels? Those are...
  17. NegativeVibe

    How many Shiny Pokemon do you have?

    Yeah. I take my games out a lot during the summer, but hardly ever now that school started. All I have time for is Internet and fanfiction stuff. I wouldn't consider myself addicted either, but still a fan forever! And I'll probably become re-addicted with black and white. Red Gyrados counts...
  18. NegativeVibe


    The Rose Parade is on New Year's, and there's floats and parades and stuff. Hey, have an awesome time! :)
  19. NegativeVibe

    Back..... Again

    Hi! I don't know you but you seem amazing and that is all that matters! :D
  20. NegativeVibe

    Omg... I'm back

    Um, hi! You don't know me because I'm relatively new (and I'm not very memorable anyway, haha). Welcome back! :)
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