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Back..... Again


^ pretty amazing
Well I've been off for a while so I came back on. (duh.......) I might make a sprite shop or somethings. :)
I've seen you around the Forums before. Welcome back! :D There's no safe Cod, though; Xero has some spare poison-free cod. Until then, enjoy Nemec's cookie and this cup of tea. *hands you tea* :D
Hello person I vaguely remember. Cookie? *offers cookie*

Sure! *nibbles* Delicious!

I've seen you around the Forums before. Welcome back! :D There's no safe Cod, though; Xero has some spare poison-free cod. Until then, enjoy Nemec's cookie and this cup of tea. *hands you tea* :D

No safe cod? What happened?... Tea! *guzzle*

Hi! I don't know you but you seem amazing and that is all that matters! :D

:D Thanks! I try not to brag (lol)

I remember you!

I remember you too! Yeah, I kinda started cuz I saw your sprite shop still up and running. ;)

I don't... sorry...

Awww.... Oh well, nice to meet ya!

Hmm... familiarity all around...

[insert username of a member here] did it. D: And so did [insert username of a memeber here]. D:
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I can't remember where the apostrophes were exactly, but everyone on TCoD remembers 'People tend to say I use apostrophes alot'! <3

Really? Dang, I didn't know anybody payed any attention to it. It was mainly a warning sign as I do use too many apostrophes. People would constantly accuse me grammatically with that so I decided it should be there... and I had nothing better to do :D

Well humor too but that was a side effect.
Really? Dang, I didn't know anybody payed any attention to it. It was mainly a warning sign as I do use too many apostrophes. People would constantly accuse me grammatically with that so I decided it should be there... and I had nothing better to do :D

Well humor too but that was a side effect.

I barely see apostrophes when you write, though. But, okay. ^_^ :D
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