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Back..... Again

I barely see apostrophes when you write, though. But, okay. ^_^ :D

I don't do it near as often now as I used to since I've tried to improve and for the most part I have. Ask an old member. See if they remember.

Literately, it was bad. See look ↓↓

Old Self:

I don't do it' near as of'ten now as I' us'ed to sin'ce I've tried to im'prove and for the mos't part I ha've. Ask an old' mem'ber. See if' they re'member.

Okay, a little exaggeration but not far off.
I don't do it near as often now as I used to since I've tried to improve and for the most part I have. Ask an old member. See if they remember.

Literately, it was bad. See look ↓↓

Old Self:

I don't do it' near as of'ten now as I' us'ed to sin'ce I've tried to im'prove and for the mos't part I ha've. Ask an old' mem'ber. See if' they re'member.

Okay, a little exaggeration but not far off.

Oh, I see. I understand your old user title now! :D

...Oh, yeah. Your signature...the Celebi thing......that was more of a somewhat-scary thing for me. Still creeped me out. I REMEBER I STUMBLED UPON THAT SITE YYYEEEEEAAAARRRSSSS AGO!

...Okay, so it was last year. Whatever.
Oh, I see. I understand your old user title now! :D


...Oh, yeah. Your signature...the Celebi thing......that was more of a somewhat-scary thing for me. Still creeped me out. I REMEBER I STUMBLED UPON THAT SITE YYYEEEEEAAAARRRSSSS AGO!

...Okay, so it was last year. Whatever.

What Celebi thi- Ooohhhh! I forgot about that! Haha! LOLZ, I can't believe over 60 people fell for that while I was gone!

What Celebi thi- Ooohhhh! I forgot about that! Haha! LOLZ, I can't believe over 60 people fell for that while I was gone!


Ahahahah, it's quite convincing! It wasn't too scary - I watch Michael Jackson Thriller a lot, so I'm used to seeing "WTF SCARY ZOMBIEZZZZZ" all the time, ahahah.
Yes, it is lol.

....Stupid Robert had to eat my brain. :/

Haha. I always knew he was a zombie and not a vampire. I tried warning people but 60 people would listen to me... Well if you call saying you will get a free 10th anniversary Celebi if you go to him a warning. XD
Haha. I always knew he was a zombie and not a vampire. I tried warning people but 60 people would listen to me... Well if you call saying you will get a free 10th anniversary Celebi if you go to him a warning. XD

He's sooooa zombie and not a vampire! Twilight, you liers! <3

P'eople te'nd to' sa'y I us'e apos'trophes a' lot', IIRC.
I do believe that's the first time I've ever used that acronym.

Hi, person who I remember quite well! I do believe you gave me service over at Pal Park! I'd say something welcoming, but I can't think of anything and other people have stolen my custom greeting. The whole 'the cod are poisonous' thing. So, welcome back.
Twilight is full of LIES.

Jacob is not a wolf, he's a puppy.

I always thought that was obvious!

I don't know you, but I think I've seen you... *ponders*

Well, you might have!

P'eople te'nd to' sa'y I us'e apos'trophes a' lot', IIRC.
I do believe that's the first time I've ever used that acronym.

Hi, person who I remember quite well! I do believe you gave me service over at Pal Park! I'd say something welcoming, but I can't think of anything and other people have stolen my custom greeting. The whole 'the cod are poisonous' thing. So, welcome back.

There it is! I did give you service. Do you still have that running? And that's okay. ;)
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