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Search results

  1. Furiianda

    PC or 3DS?

    No, no, I did read that, it was just funny when I was in the middle of reading it... y'know. I wouldn't ramble uselessly so much if I didn't bother to read other posts, or whatever. xD Also my minecraft actually runs slower if I reduce the view distance and other settings ?_? Oh okay! Well...
  2. Furiianda

    PC or 3DS?

    PC because this sentence actually kinda cracked me up. If you can't run a simple game like that on your current computer I think you are well overdue for an upgrade, well, at least if you want to do something other than browse the 'net and play even easier-to-run games. You should also be...
  3. Furiianda

    Team Fortress 2 is now FREE-TO-PLAY! (Plus Meet the Medic)

    Lag huh? That's weird, isn't tutorial mode entirely on your own computer? Maybe turn the settings down then. NOT THAT I REALLY KNOW ABOUT THIS SORT OF THING (: (If your internet connection is bad though, I don't think you would enjoy the game... it's a FPS after all) Ahem, yeah, I just managed...
  4. Furiianda

    The Natural Origins of Pokémon

    The Natural Origins of Pokémon Interesting article I found when looking through some comics! http://www.bogleech.com/pokemonzoo.html It details some of the stranger creatures Pokémon are based off of. You may have heard a few of the earlier ones in the article (such as Rafflesia being the...
  5. Furiianda

    Thanks. (:

    Thanks. (:
  6. Furiianda

    Objection! (Ace Attorney fan-club, take 2).

    Ooooh this was on my Tumblr dashboard. (you may be following this already but for those who aren't) http://news.killscreendaily.com/post/5836330720/director-takashi-miike-suggests-plans-to-adapt-the-ace Hear that guys? A possible Ace Attorney movie. :D?
  7. Furiianda


    I'm no expert, but I thought earworms were supposed to be easier to remember (the Nyan song seems to have a lot of extra notes and runs in it). I can see where you are coming from though.
  8. Furiianda

    .MOV to .WMV converter?

    I'm pretty sure VLC does it (VLC media player does everything, and I ran a test to confirm). Go Media>Convert/Save>Add(browse for the file)>select a destination and type the file extension as .wmv>click the convert/save button. Something like that, in case you tried and couldn't figure it out...
  9. Furiianda

    Famous Video Game Enemies and How to Defeat Them

    Uh, I'm not quite sure what the point of this topic is, but... This SPOILERIFFIC VIDEO is a really satisfying... video game... enemy's defeat... Wait a sec... don't you defeat everything in Mario by jumping on their heads?
  10. Furiianda

    3D Modelling

    Ium... Blender and Google Sketchup are some of the most popular! Then there's your beloved AoI and anim8 (which sucks, by the looks of it, though I had one friend who loved it?!), so uh... well, I don't know what/why you are asking, I mean. I would also say, beyond Blender and Sketchup (the most...
  11. Furiianda

    I uh... well... no. Sorry. Kind of busy lately and on at irregular hours, so I wouldn't be very...

    I uh... well... no. Sorry. Kind of busy lately and on at irregular hours, so I wouldn't be very active.
  12. Furiianda

    My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

    Thought you guys might appreciate this post that came up on my Tumblr... though uh, chances are that a lot of you probably saw it already... oh well! Also, some interesting fanfiction you have there. xD I haven't read all of them yet but a couple were quite interesting (I read Bittersweet, and...
  13. Furiianda


    Yeah, that's pretty clear unless you skip the last few words of your post... >_> But just saying "virtual pets" and nothing else doesn't come off as the best idea. I understand if you want to keep the specifics secret so you can claim ownership of the idea or something... but uh, how would your...
  14. Furiianda

    Ethical Systems?

    Uh... like this? If that's what you mean. Also, what Crazy Linoone said. Uh... there's that phrase in a bunch of religious teachings or something which is like "Don't do anything to someone else that you wouldn't want to happen to you", which, in most cases, is pretty swell. However I must...
  15. Furiianda


    Maybe the code doesn't work in your browser. *shrug* Here are some comical websites for you: (also, my favourite is Zombo) http://dicepainter.com/ http://cocktailtyper.com/ (try typing in "snake" to either of those, if you feel like some snake) http://ie7.com/ (okay, it was funnier a few years...
  16. Furiianda

    Anatomy help

    Looking better! For the male, probably bring his knee up (and the lower leg) so it's more obvious that he is making a stepping motion. And a bit more folded? His eyes are a bit far up on his head, they should be about halfway down the face. (It sounds weird to say it, but give it a shot...)...
  17. Furiianda

    Gun Control

    Hey, now, you use them to shoot other things too. Like animals, food cans, or cardboard cutouts shaped like the things you would shoot. Anyway, Aobaru, of course you would keep dangerous things locked away, because you have common sense. (Or I should say "sense"; it's not as common as you might...
  18. Furiianda

    3D Modelling

    Thanks! The new version of Blender (2.5x as opposed to 2.49) has a much cleaner, more graphical and easier to understand interface, and although I couldn't stand the previous version the interface revamp really did a lot to make it more approachable. However I see it has nothing on AoI...
  19. Furiianda

    3D Modelling

    Blender wins Really though, it's free and open source and I don't see what Sketchup has on it [: I'm really not sure though, since I only know a little about Sketchup. Uh, as for me, I mostly have a bunch of incomplete models and this more-complete-than-all-my-other-models-model. And I have to...
  20. Furiianda


    Huh, but two of those men weren't stoned for adultery. In fact, the laws and such didn't seem to involve gender discrimination (it seems the reason the woman was stoned and the boyfriend only lashed was because she was married prior and he was not). Bad example, eh? However, your statement...
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