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PC or 3DS?

PC or 3DS?

  • PC

    Votes: 11 61.1%
  • 3DS

    Votes: 7 38.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


The Wobbuffet Fan
Well, I believe that I'm in a predicament, tcod.
I've been planning to save up for a 3DS, The Legend of Zelda: OoT 3D, a good case, and Pilotwings for a good $360 or so. Today, I was hanging out with a friend of mine, and I mentioned it. He said that he would help me build a gaming PC, and gave me a rough estimate of about $705 or so.

So, the question is, which would you choose, and why?
I say a PC. You can use it for so many things other than gaming. Besides the 3DS is still new, if you really want one wait to buy it until the price goes down and more 3DS specific games are available. In the meantime a PC would have more games available, and can do other things other than strict gaming.
Is this even a question? PC.

Say it's for strict gaming. You have the entire PC gaming collection, the entire PS-PS2 collection and the entire Nintendo collection up until the DS at your fingertips. For free.
I say a PC. You can use it for so many things other than gaming. Besides the 3DS is still new, if you really want one wait to buy it until the price goes down and more 3DS specific games are available. In the meantime a PC would have more games available, and can do other things other than strict gaming.

It's a Nintendo console. Price isn't going to fall any time soon. The Vita *might* push it down, but don't count on it. The lite only just now got a price drop.

Is this even a question? PC.

Say it's for strict gaming. You have the entire PC gaming collection, the entire PS-PS2 collection and the entire Nintendo collection up until the DS at your fingertips. For free.

Do you know if OP is okay with pirating?

@OP: Let the games decide. You're going to have a wider range of games on the PC, but you'll be missing out on a lot of Nintendo exclusives like Zelda and Pokemon. Also, what are you posting on right now? If you already have a PC, is a better framerate going to be worth $700?
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Alvyren, I was really asking which you would choose, hence the poll at the top. As for piracy, I'm paranoid that at any second the police will bust down my door and arrest me for it, so no, I don't pirate. As for the $700 being worth it, I say that yes, it will, because once I do get the initial build, it'll be simple to upgrade as technology gets better. The laptop I use now is really only good for web browsing and flash games, if that. I want to be able to run Minecraft with far view on fancy graphics, and not lag.

Besides, I was originally planning to wait until Pokemon or new model to get a 3DS, because I'm sure that Zelda will still be selling in a couple years.

Thanks for sticking up for me, though.
PC because

I want to be able to run Minecraft

this sentence actually kinda cracked me up.
If you can't run a simple game like that on your current computer I think you are well overdue for an upgrade, well, at least if you want to do something other than browse the 'net and play even easier-to-run games.
You should also be able to run Minecraft like this! (it's the way to go)

And uhhh isn't Zelda 3Ds just a remake? Sure that's cool or whatever but, unless you're missing the original I wouldn't bother with it at all. And certainly... I mean... $700... that is so good. Infinitely more things you can do with it. HEY you can come play with the TF2 people! You'll forget all about those silly Pokey-mann games... [: also yes, if it's about the money you just have now, some exclusive titles won't come out for a while and you could have a lot of fun with a gaming PC until they do and you have the money to buy them. And there are also some old games you can get really cheap that are still good and stuff. I mean. Possibilities! ENDLESS! Muahaha. Ha. Ha. (And other programs that aren't games :V)

EDIT: oh yeah there's probably a nice alternative to Pilotwings out in the PC world that will sate your need for... piloting. Yyyyyep
If you can't run a simple game like that on your current computer I think you are well overdue for an upgrade, well, at least if you want to do something other than browse the 'net and play even easier-to-run games.
I don't think you finished reading. I can run Minecraft, but it's on Normal view, with fast graphics, and it still lags sometimes. I want to be able to be on Fancy graphics and playable. But yeah, I've made my decision, I just was wondering which the tcod people would choose.
(I'm getting the PC.)
oh yeah there's probably a nice alternative to Pilotwings out in the PC world that will sate your need for... piloting. Yyyyyep
it's not really Pilotwings for the piloting, it's or the option, for when i get upset or bored of Zelda.
I don't think you finished reading. I can run Minecraft, but it's on Normal view, with fast graphics, and it still lags sometimes. I want to be able to be on Fancy graphics and playable. But yeah, I've made my decision, I just was wondering which the tcod people would choose.
(I'm getting the PC.)

No, no, I did read that, it was just funny when I was in the middle of reading it... y'know.
I wouldn't ramble uselessly so much if I didn't bother to read other posts, or whatever. xD Also my minecraft actually runs slower if I reduce the view distance and other settings ?_?

it's not really Pilotwings for the piloting, it's or the option, for when i get upset or bored of Zelda.

Oh okay!
Well for just one game, yeah.

Anyway, enjoy your PC. (:
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