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Search results

  1. Furiianda

    Fond (or Not So Fond) Memories of TCoD

    Ah yeah! :D Those flash things he started to make just a while before he left... And to think you could've done all that without straining your eyes so much... ): (seriously, in my experience, to work accurately with pixel art in paint you often have to squint, lean forward, etc. because of...
  2. Furiianda

    Fond (or Not So Fond) Memories of TCoD

    A bit of both Oh boy! I remember many sprite threads, alone or with friends, and screwing up the judgement of the sprite competition that one time and getting yelled at, hur hur hur. Oh, and I remember the time when Tangelafan started making those comics and... seriously offended like everyone...
  3. Furiianda

    Obsessive Scribblers

    MIGHT AS WELL JOIN YO Hi (: Anyway ramhorns! I love those things! From what I can tell, the reason it doesn't look quite right is because you're trying to draw it from the side when it's really more of a front view. It mostly looks that way because of the tip, though -- the shape starts off...
  4. Furiianda

    How did your religious beliefs (or lack of them) come about for you?

    The following post may not necessarily contain my opinion in 100% seriousness k The whole thing sounds a bit outlandish to me! And it's often hard to take people at their word, though of course you probably have a lot of trust in your relatives/significant other. I respect that you consider...
  5. Furiianda

    How did your religious beliefs (or lack of them) come about for you?

    Wait what is this serious I don't know ): Funny, my uncle said the same thing to me last week; basically that psychic powers point to evidence of God. I've no idea what exactly you have seen, but it doesn't make much sense to me that God would uh, tell people who is calling them on the...
  6. Furiianda

    Yeah, good point~ or maybe a seperate... discussion thread... whatever! Up to you. And the...

    Yeah, good point~ or maybe a seperate... discussion thread... whatever! Up to you. And the others involved >.O Mm, most clay sculptures I've made (all school related and rushed and not too good anyway.. stupid classtimes and expensiveness of clay ;P) have probably been about 15cm length/height...
  7. Furiianda

    Hi, thought I would post here instead of spamming up the ArtMo thread (and so Kai Lucifer can...

    Hi, thought I would post here instead of spamming up the ArtMo thread (and so Kai Lucifer can look up the comments... maybe I should post on his instead? but anyway) If you could let me know what kind of clay sculptures you had in mind for the month that'd be helpful. Ten models seems like a lot...
  8. Furiianda

    ArtMo 2010

    ArtMo questions?! I'm too late to join this year but I'd like to ask a few things for the next time! ((: Vector art got straightened out already, buuut... If I pretent paint means texture, could I apply these rules to digital 3D models? Looking at the reason for disallowing vector art, I'm...
  9. Furiianda

    Voice Chat, Dudes

    butbutbut *foams at mouth* I mean what's with you guys D: I wasn't asking for cameras! and I want to be all nice and inclusive and have a conference room where people can also come in and listen too and just reply with text if they can't/don't want to talk. *cough* er, I meant to say, hi (...
  10. Furiianda

    Voice Chat, Dudes

    Whoa, you're here Meche!? o.ó HI! (I have totally grown fond of that nickname, so I apologise if you don't go by it any more <3) And... well I kinda think a video conference would be a bad idea. Or at least, many people don't have webcams or are nervous about using them or it'd use up too much...
  11. Furiianda

    Voice Chat, Dudes

    Well I was thinking just voice, not video, and THAT'S TOTALLY CUTE ~ So Skype? I'll have to see how it checks out in a conference, but it seems pretty good most of the time... ((: Aaaand UV, if you don't like MSN maybe try one of those multi-messenger things... like uhhh Pidgin was it called...
  12. Furiianda

    I just read your thread about Lolita and feel totally sorry for you >: I think it's really...

    I just read your thread about Lolita and feel totally sorry for you >: I think it's really really cool! Why were they all liiiike disappointed and stuff d'awwwr One of my friends a couple years ago was totally into it and that's why I know... anything... at all... ahh well. >O eeps! (it'd be...
  13. Furiianda

    Voice Chat, Dudes

    (Yes/No? and You may want to skip that first paragraph, it's pretty pointless) Now I know a few veterans remember the YIM conference days (and a lot of them are understandably on IRC now!) and how we would totally have oodles of fun and talk on voicechat and cool stuff! :D Though I was little...
  14. Furiianda

    Members MIA

    DUDE! CHECK OUT WHAT I FOUND http://forums.dragonflycave.com/member.php?u=2537 He's not on the list but apparently this is the very Sandmouse... or something, (he says it in one of his posts) ...anyway I thought this was relevant and you might like to know {: it's nice to know he wasn't banned...
  15. Furiianda

    8D I saw it in the "creepypasta pokemon stories" thread~...

    8D I saw it in the "creepypasta pokemon stories" thread~ http://blog.livedoor.jp/agraphlog-asamegraph/temp/pokehyaku.html rarararrarar
  16. Furiianda

    I am organising every Pokémon box I have, and also was asked by a friend to make a 3D model of a...

    I am organising every Pokémon box I have, and also was asked by a friend to make a 3D model of a velociraptor running with a jetpack and a pair of scissors.
  17. Furiianda

    Game Recommendations

    Duuude what the hell why aren't you playing Psychonauts RIGHT NOW Funny you mention that. From what I have heard, every other title creative director Tim Schafer has worked on (he's the dude!) is better and Brutal Legend was a sellout, with the theme of heavy metal and hiring Jack Black...
  18. Furiianda

    Ideas for pixeling without a computer?

    Those "melting plastic bead things" you keen contributors keep bringing up are actually the hama beads that the original post mentioned, just so you know. (: They are great budget pixel-imitators though, so it's a good idea even if Spoon knew about it already. More on topic, sky's the limit I...
  19. Furiianda

    Hi! What's going on ): I am lost

    Hi! What's going on ): I am lost
  20. Furiianda

    Members MIA

    Man, I am loving the sparkles 0_O hypnotic... life is good... yes ~ How has tCoD been? You guys looked like you were having lots of fun (I read through the announcements) around here (:
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