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Fond (or Not So Fond) Memories of TCoD

I use MS Paint for Spriting.


Oh boy!
I remember many sprite threads, alone or with friends, and screwing up the judgement of the sprite competition that one time and getting yelled at, hur hur hur.

oh yeah! The Meta Knight had too many colors or something and Butterfree didn't believe you actually color it or something like that.

Oh, and I remember the time when Tangelafan started making those comics and... seriously offended like everyone on the forum. EVERYONE. Duuuude.

Don't remember this, but I kind of remember a flash Tangelafan made once with Butterfree and... uh... Fluffy Gryphon, as an easter egg in a diner or something? and it had Dancing Queen sped up really fast in it! Or something

OH! And that time... with Light Mightyena... and how we though she was gonna leave... that thread was looong... so very long. Er, I mean, both of them...! And the signatures with the protests? Aaah, yeah.

Those threads were so epically stupid and dramatic :p And considering the guy, in the end her mom probably was doing the right thing, in hindsight

I remember the time I had a big argument with Alraune and felt really sad about everything for like, ever, too... ):

I really honestly don't remember this D: I don't really remember any "big arguments" I've had with anybody online (well, except for one person), not counting theological arguments or something, even though those weren't really... all that big either.

Also Lady of Flames was hilarious. :[ Don't remember much about Freeziepop except that she liked Cradily a lot and apparently turned heel and got banned
What's wrong with MS Paint?

I learned how to sprite with MS Paint from a website I found awhile ago (I don't have the link anymore).

My avatar's from Paint, all the stuff in my album's from Paint. My Gym Badge (Crystal League, check it out!) was scratched from Paint.

So there, haters.
I learned how to sprite with MS Paint from a website I found awhile ago (I don't have the link anymore).

My avatar's from Paint, all the stuff in my album's from Paint. My Gym Badge (Crystal League, check it out!) was scratched from Paint.

So there, haters.
No one's saying you can't sprite in MSPaint. It's just silly to do so when there are much better alternatives.

For a while I was the person stubbornly using MSPaint but it's kind of silly to spend minutes instead of seconds recolouring things. It also sucked whenever my scrollwheel malfunctioned and then there was a huge line through the file that ctrl+z couldn't undo.

ETA: http://img822.imageshack.us/img822/3572/pkmnrainbowblue.png This literally took me less than thirty seconds. I used this as a base; Zhorken did that with the power of imagemagick in less than twenty minutes. And no, that's not meant to be all the way blue.
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Ah yeah! :D Those flash things he started to make just a while before he left...

I learned how to sprite with MS Paint from a website I found awhile ago (I don't have the link anymore).

My avatar's from Paint, all the stuff in my album's from Paint. My Gym Badge (Crystal League, check it out!) was scratched from Paint.

So there, haters.

And to think you could've done all that without straining your eyes so much... ):
(seriously, in my experience, to work accurately with pixel art in paint you often have to squint, lean forward, etc. because of the crappy zoom, and this is REALLY REALLY BAD. Other programs let you zoom much more than you would ever need to!)

And really, why defend paint so much? These suggestions to use another program are made with the best intentions for you. Paint is simple, sure, great for little kids to learn how to use software or something... but if you want to do your work faster, and easier, you should consider downloading some of this nice free software such as the GIMP or Paint.net. (: Basically, what surskitty said.

I'm trying to think of a good reason why you wouldn't want to use something other than paint... do you have a really old computer or anything? Or maybe you do some spriting on other computers that you can't install software? Or do you just want to be cool and different... uh.
I sprite in MSPaint for the challenge, fun and small amount of pride it gives me to know how to use a comp for something other than TCoD
MS Paint isn't a huge challenge (you know, if you're not scratch spriting), the difficulty's just dependent upon the complexity of the sprite (for recolors). It's tough when you start or haven't sprited in awhile, but it's like anything else. And it depends on the OS: Windows XP/Vista's Paint was a lot more spriter-friendly than 7, IMO.

As for why I used Paint, it's just because it's what I learned on and I'm not one to change easily. Typical, stubborn me.
Oh, that one he posted to see if he would actually get banned. Good times.
is he still around btw? i remember he had a gay crush on me. uhhhh he's always changing accounts or something right?
Don't think he's around at the moment! I mean, I see him on Facebook so he's not jumped off a bridge or something. afaik he's not on here at the moment.

Although I can't keep track of his name changes. 8|
I'm pretty sure everyone remembers their days as a noob on this site none too fondly. Well, I sure do.
Not necessarily on this forum but on another which first introduced me to the internet this funny guy (he actually is funny but this pissed me off) responded to a perfectly normal post by digging up one of my threads from my first few months on the forum and C/Ping a portion of it. I was like 'UGUUUU SO EMBARRASSED"
responded to a perfectly normal post by digging up one of my threads from my first few months on the forum and C/Ping a portion of it. I was like 'UGUUUU SO EMBARRASSED"
haha, that's the best response to anything. finding old embarrassing posts. FAVORITE PAST-TIME

umm does floop still exist? sorry, all these name changes. oh oh yeah why is altmer banned? this is quickly becoming "keep me up to date with the forums."

does anyone remember when jolty got demodded? i can't remember the circumstances behind it. something about her swearing too much
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