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Fond (or Not So Fond) Memories of TCoD

one thing that sticks out for me was the fact that blastoise and ryubane(I believe he's starlit ocean now?) greeted me when I first came. And the whole thing with the introduction memes. Oh, and my wedding to Mini Moonwalker that only a handful of people know about. (until now) and new years eve was....eventful, to say the least.
I got that same message, lol.

Anyhow, the one really fond memory I have is the Legends of the elementals RP. That was awesome. The sequel fell through, but I'm the kind of guy who hates sequels anyhow so not really disappoint.
Oh right- my first day on the forum led to the creation of the longest thread in the srs bznz forum that's still running.

Y'all get owned.
x3 Psh, I remember going crazy over Secret Admirers, mostly because I had, like, seven and I only correctly guessed one. Also, people reading my fanfic when it was of far suckier quality on the old forums and suddenly posting like crazy on the thirteenth chapter when I seriously started to kill characters off.

That one time I actually had the courage to join Mafia, and they chose to lynch me and I won because I was an Alien. :D

The crazy shenanigans of the RSP, all the really awesome roleplays I joined even if they fizzled... tCoD gave me loads of fond memories. <3 The sheer, infectious enthusiasm of the NaNo thread and the sudden influx of joy and anticipation as B/W info was leaked...

Hey you - yeah, everyone on this forum. You are awesome. <3 *hugs*
My most memorable TCoD moment was during this summer when reading through the LGBT thread (The old one, before it became the QUILTBAG society) and I was suddenly hit by the realization that I'm bi. And then there was the whole emotional fiasco I went through right after that about it and some of you awesome people helped pull me back together. (In a couple of Coughing Cupboard threads)

Basically this

And Starlit helped me through it. Never really got the chance to thank you for it, so... thank you extremely :)

And was Secret Admirers that thing years ago where you could have a mutual admiration or something?
Re: secret admirers: no.

If you really admired me then you'd respect me enough not to spam my PM/email inbox with meaningless messages automatically generated by the board.

Good riddance.
I would very much appreciate the arcade back, honestly. I was top ten in the helicopter game and when I got the breakout trophy next to my name, I couldn't stop grinning all day.

OH GOD YES THE ARCADE. I loved Chopper :3

Does anybody know why they disappeared?
I WANT SECRET ADMIRERS BACK ; ; I don't care what you have to say about it secret admirers was the best thing ever
I know what TCoDf of old-old was like, so I win! /smacks everything with a stick

/... is blind
I don't think you would have liked it very much if I had been on TCoD of old-old. I would have permanently lowered everyone's IQ with my utter stupidity. I probably would've gotten banned at some point too. x3
Meeting like all of my online friends that I still have! And all my crappy spriting threads... and um... oh! Reputation. All the butthurt about the reputation was hilarious to watch. I miss the controversies this forum used to have, it's too peaceful anymore. D: I've never been a part of any of them and I don't think I've ever made any enemies here either, but I loved to watch that stuff.
Well it didn't start on here, it started on the Psypokes forums (don't do it guys, just don't) when I sprited. I was one of the most popular spriters there and had a constant flow of orders coming in. Then "the incident" happened and some snitch told and they banned me (it wasn't anything huge, don't get yourself in a twist) for not crediting pokecharms for the trainer cards (even though it blatantly says on the bottom "make your own: pokecharms.com").

So then I came here and sprited for a month.

Now I have a Mac and can't :(
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