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Fond (or Not So Fond) Memories of TCoD

It was a system where surskitty collected all the shiny boxes. And I loved eir for it.
Reputation systems are things where users would give other users +reps (in which case you liked them) or -reps (in which case you disliked them).

Probably led to a lot of drama here.
You collected the shiny boxes by befriending one of the main people who were questing to drive certain members' reputations as far down as possible.
Am I genuinely the only one who misses having Celestial Blade and Terry.T around?

They were fuuuuuuun~
Terry T is a meme at the other forum I go to lmfao

and omg I keep missing Celestial Blade every time he comes back
I love the dude he is my hero

I remember rep
I only ever got it upped when I made slightly amusing posts that served no purpose
oh terry t, lol

I remember the adoptables Butterfree made before. Never used them by they were there! Admiring people, oh god I remember that, too.

AND THE BOXES <3 the boxes were so great. I remember one 1 +rep from surskitty would send you to like the top of the list. <3ed my rep.
I absolutely hated that rep system. Never did like boxes.

Terry T. was funny. Got boring quickly, but he was funny.
Am I genuinely the only one who misses having Celestial Blade and Terry.T around?

They were fuuuuuuun~

Wasn't Celestial Blade Turbo? Why do we keep calling him Celestial Blade?

i miss lady-of-flames..................

Same here, shit was as hilarious (if we're thinking of the same person, suddenly I am full of doubt)
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Hey, what ever happened to Sireafi or LadyofFlames, anyway? They used to post here all the time and now I don't see them around anymore. Did they just move on, or is it those darn name changes again?
Hey, what ever happened to Sireafi or LadyofFlames, anyway? They used to post here all the time and now I don't see them around anymore. Did they just move on, or is it those darn name changes again?

Sireafi moved on, though he comes back every once in a while to make 1-2 posts (and promises he'll stay but he never does >|).
does anyone remember when jolty got demodded? i can't remember the circumstances behind it. something about him swearing too much
holy crap replying to a post from a month ago
also Effercon is awesome for fixing it :')

anyway I got demodded because I flipped my shit at Deretto (who remembers /him/ by the way?) for personal reasons and not forum reasons, which is not something a mod should be doing

and then sometime later I also got banned for a year for doing it again

...I think that's how it went down anyway :B

edit: OH AND LADY OF FLAMES yeah I still see her about here and there. She seems to not be an annoying little pleb any more. Lmao after she left TCOD us guys at JJHF got her for ages. Shit was ridiculous, man
The last time I saw Lady-Of-Flames was a couple of years ago on Serebii, she'd PMed me because she recognized my username. She seemed like she'd matured a hell of a lot then.

Man, has no one mentioned desolater's 86 thousand accounts yet? That shit was amazing too. I remember I was such an understanding care bear back then that I sent him this heartfelt message convincing him to try and better himself.

Actually I remember being one of the people who stood up for LoF all the time too. :|

and Terry T hahahahaha, tell me we still have that poetry thread. Those were masterpieces. And I seem to remember something else about him, like, rating people's voices out of 10 in the "post your voice thread" and people getting pissed at him for that.
...Anyone from the conforum era remember the drama with Zetasimleader and his creepy crush on Shadow? It just randomly popped into my head and I'm starting to think it was some kind of fever dream.

Too bad the conforums version of TCOD is gone. Now I won't be able to look back at the hilariously awful posts I made when I was younger.
Dear lord, what dont I remember?

Let's see, I joined Invisionfree and was generally a huge twit. I thought being random was hilarious. Kratos Aurion or something like that wanted to help me on my site and I thought it was the best thing ever because they were cool and I actually still have their little bit on my site. <3

The move from Invisionfree to vBulletin. What a huge deal!

Reputation, that was the best. I remember once I had negative reputation and I was like "wtf for what" and then Furret went through every post in the forum and gave some people positive rep and I was like "aww <3".

Secret admirer, I think I had two. I was flattered but I never admired anyone back.

Lady of Flames, I remember that because of Butterfree's livejournal. Also, Celestial Blade/SuperMegaTurbowtf and his general lulziness.

That time when the forum was deleted and I was like "bgubfrashb NO."

Apparently there was some drama with the crushes thread.

Shiva64, she was awesome. ):
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