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Fond (or Not So Fond) Memories of TCoD

...Anyone from the conforum era remember the drama with Zetasimleader and his creepy crush on Shadow? It just randomly popped into my head and I'm starting to think it was some kind of fever dream.

Too bad the conforums version of TCOD is gone. Now I won't be able to look back at the hilariously awful posts I made when I was younger.


Fuck that was creepy as shit, looking back on it. D:
I remember godmodding in one of Mewkaza's RPs and not understanding why everyone was suddenly getting pissed at me. D:
I remember my old ASB team right before the forum crash =,(

... as well as the way ASB used to function. I used to memorize the old formulas for damage/energy and such =/

And I miss the time when I was a ref and had a business and actually earned decent money =(
Remember Pwnemon? Man, he sure was cool.

I remember somebody shipping me and Blastoise on the Shippings thread. And Blastoise joking that we were canon.

I told a couple of my friends irl about that, but apparently it got really messed up in a couple brains; a friend (who didn't actually hear about this) was going all "SIX HUNDRED MILES" probably because another friend was complaining about never seeing her boyfriend, and that friend's boyfriend just said "Is that the distance between you and that kid from Louisiana?"

I actually had to stifle a laugh before correcting him that a) it was Alabama, b) it was me, and c) that was a joke.
I remember somebody shipping me and Blastoise on the Shippings thread. And Blastoise joking that we were canon.

I told a couple of my friends irl about that, but apparently it got really messed up in a couple brains; a friend (who didn't actually hear about this) was going all "SIX HUNDRED MILES" probably because another friend was complaining about never seeing her boyfriend, and that friend's boyfriend just said "Is that the distance between you and that kid from Louisiana?"

I actually had to stifle a laugh before correcting him that a) it was Alabama, b) it was me, and c) that was a joke.


Hmmph. Louisiana, never heard something so ridiculous in my life.
Oh yeah, I just remembered something else: the Salazard's Den fiasco of 2007.

Basically, what happened was this: A bunch of us from TCOD (myself included) were sick and tired of the way things were going here, and we all happened to be members of Salazard's Den, so someone made a thread about TCOD there, and we basically took it in turns to rag on the forum. Eventually, MD (who was a mod there) called us all out and locked the thread.

One more thing: is there anyone else here now who was part of it?
I keep remembering the Rack Shackle Pack. As much mediocrity as there was in the ridiculous number of OOC posts, the characters were so very lovable. Then it went down the gutter with one of the most unbelievably over-exagerated arguments I've ever seen.

Makes me sad, thinking how we never even got halfway done.
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