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Search results

  1. Automata heart

    alice human sacrifice?

    alice human sacrifice?
  2. Automata heart

    ONLY $9:90 TO GO!!!

    so i put a copy of the manga i have loved since before i could make a sandwich on layby! CARDCAPTOR SAKURA!!!! its like 3 volumes in one and is fast set to becoming the most read manga i own. i just had to share this with everyone!!! I...
  3. Automata heart

    hey plague victim. how u doing?

    hey plague victim. how u doing?
  4. Automata heart

    Political Compass

    i'm an idealist and i little bit of a communist, (i like the idea in theory. i know its doesn't work.) but here it is. http://www.politicalcompass.org/facebook/pcgraphpng.php?ec=-9.12&soc=-3.90
  5. Automata heart

    hey. can u call me when i get this?

    hey. can u call me when i get this?
  6. Automata heart

    Health care.

    Where i live, to get into hospital you have to be dying or have been on the waiting list (which, like in the case of my grandmother, can be up to 3 years) and then there is no garentee (pardon my spelling) you will ever be seen. but, and this is the bit i hate, if you play on one of our sports...
  7. Automata heart


    i have reading glasses i wear to look smart. they make me really near-sighted, but the look cute.
  8. Automata heart

    txt me?

    txt me?
  9. Automata heart

    What are you reading?

    amen. i love jane eyre is a wonderfull book. you'll love it. read it, then listen to the talking book.
  10. Automata heart


  11. Automata heart

    i was told my a friend of ours i wan't alowed to do this but...DUDE, 12? SRSLY? pedo bear!

    i was told my a friend of ours i wan't alowed to do this but...DUDE, 12? SRSLY? pedo bear!
  12. Automata heart

    i was told my a friend of ours i wan't alowed to do this but...DUDE, 12? SRSLY? pedo bear!

    i was told my a friend of ours i wan't alowed to do this but...DUDE, 12? SRSLY? pedo bear!
  13. Automata heart

    What are you reading?

    mysc rinxlen fanfic, walls, small gods by terry prachet, bilboards, junk mail, i'll read anything i can find, so i normaly can't pin it down.
  14. Automata heart

    Songs that make you smile / ones that make you happy

    sleeper-train (tie) by kagamine rin, just be friends my luka. tripple baka by miku, neru and teto teto's teritory by kasanekasanekasanekasane TetoTetoTeto! gemini by rin and len caramelldansen dancing samuri by gakupo still alive from portal. (i taught that to the 3 year old i went on holiday...
  15. Automata heart

    i am truly the vocaloid fangirl from hell.

    i am truly the vocaloid fangirl from hell.
  16. Automata heart

    Music that gives you shivers

    where to start... the fafner opening. shangri la, ( i know i spelt it wrong) i've heard to melody before. the rozen maiden opening. the inuyasha openings, now such a trip into my childhood. the oni and the maiden by kaito. his voice sounds so creepy~ i love it~ bright eyes by art garfunkle (i...
  17. Automata heart

    Opinions on Clowns

    as one who has never been to the circus because my mother is afraid of clowns, i'm not scared of them, i just see them the same since things like dark-woods-circus and the circus arc of kuroshitsuji. i also don't like the fixed grins. i like the sad looking ones.
  18. Automata heart

    i heard u got into the top band!!! i am so proud of you! thats my little L-Kun. (you may be a...

    i heard u got into the top band!!! i am so proud of you! thats my little L-Kun. (you may be a brown belt in karate, but i'm really good at hiding.)
  19. Automata heart

    i heard u got into the top band!!! i am so proud of you! thats my little L-Kun. (you may be a...

    i heard u got into the top band!!! i am so proud of you! thats my little L-Kun. (you may be a brown belt in karate, but i'm really good at hiding.)
  20. Automata heart


    archaeologist you say? me 2. lets start a club. cause history is the bomb.
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