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Search results

  1. sergeantwaffleS

    Rate the Username Above

    9/10 AAARRRGGGHHH!!!! Too many rating threads!!
  2. sergeantwaffleS

    Welcome me

    Greetings, new member....
  3. sergeantwaffleS

    Rate the signature above you!

    9/10 Yours is to awesome for bonus points. Yeah, mine is more focused on the written word.
  4. sergeantwaffleS

    Rate the signature above you!

    7/10 It needs something. I just don't know what it is though.
  5. sergeantwaffleS

    I'm Jack_the_White, and I'm a Serebii quitter!

    your siggy is AWESOME
  6. sergeantwaffleS

    Code Geass fan club!

    No, R2 is not in America yet. But the first season is almost over.
  7. sergeantwaffleS

    You laugh you lose (aka POST ALL FUNNY STUFF HERE)

    Re: You laugh you lose This thread has a lot more views than posts.
  8. sergeantwaffleS

    Happy birthday and may your road to success be littered with the corpses of flattened possums...

    Happy birthday and may your road to success be littered with the corpses of flattened possums. (I also do bar mitsvas) (I think I spelled mitsvas wrong)(speaking in parenthese is fun XD)
  9. sergeantwaffleS

    Code Geass fan club!

    WOW. You know R2 is almost about to end and FLORA and ASHES is right.
  10. sergeantwaffleS

    Code Geass fan club!

    I got into Code Geass when I first saw it on adultswim. So join?
  11. sergeantwaffleS

    Bananahammock! The official Scrubs club~

    Quite true. Hey you know that one episode where there's this patient that hears everyone singing and stuff instead of talking? Yeah, that episode was a music video. (Please forgive me as I suck at describing things on such short notice and that I don't know any of the episode titles)
  12. sergeantwaffleS

    Rate the signature above you!

    9.7/10 Hmmm... the design is so simple.... yet STYLISH!!!
  13. sergeantwaffleS

    Bananahammock! The official Scrubs club~

  14. sergeantwaffleS

    Bananahammock! The official Scrubs club~

    Re: The Scrubs club! *or the newbie club* I wanna join!! I too share your love of that show!!! I just discovered the "clubs" part of the forums so what exactly can you do once you join one?
  15. sergeantwaffleS

    Happy birthday and may your road to success be littered with the corpses of flattened possums.

    Happy birthday and may your road to success be littered with the corpses of flattened possums.
  16. sergeantwaffleS

    The people who use the top screen of their DS to play GBA games club

    I like to use the top screen because it was originally set that way and I don't mess with the natural order of my DS Lite. So.....join?
  17. sergeantwaffleS

    Will this get rid of the Notices Bar?

    Hi!!! I command you to post "thanks" again!
  18. sergeantwaffleS


    Greetings and whatnot...
  19. sergeantwaffleS


    welcome and stuff....
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