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The people who use the top screen of their DS to play GBA games club

Mine's a black DS Lite.

If I'd known there would be more colours in the future, I might have waited. Probably not, though. I'm impatient.
If I'd known they would be so... difficult to keep clean (*has OCD-ish cleaning tendencies for the slightest speck of dust*) I might not have gotten one. But probably not. I'm stupid. =P

Either way, I still love my good ol' blackie~
Can I join? Using the bottom screen makes you want to touch it, but it doesn't work XD My DS lite is the coral pink one. And it has a Pokemon case thing on it with a Pachirisu :3
*raises hand* I tried on the bottom screen once, I didn't like it all that much. Maybe because I'm more used to GBA SPs than regular GBAs.

Pink. My DS is gravitationally challenged and yours isn't. Ha ha.
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I'm a pink DS lite user. I like it, but I would have gotten a black one if I had gotten to choose (it was a gift). Oh well, half the reason they got it was because it was on sale because it was pink~
I like to use the top screen because it was originally set that way and I don't mess with the natural order of my DS Lite. So.....join?
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