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Search results

  1. zeKieranator

    DarkAura vs zeKieranator(Ref: Skyman)

    They should each have taken 2% damage from the sand, as the damage dealt per action is equal to the round number - that was round two, so 2%. Also, since the sand dealt Fire-type damage, Vulpix should still be immune - Flash Fire gives a permanent immunity to Fire-type damage, even though the...
  2. zeKieranator

    [11] Big Red Cherry Bomb vs zeKieranator

    Well, that's not fun. In that case, let's use Work Up to boost our stats. When your Substitute is destroyed, use Stone Edge, and if that misses, on the third action use Hi Jump Kick. Work Up ~ Work Up / Stone Edge ~ Work Up / Stone Edge / Hi Jump Kick
  3. zeKieranator

    DIY Pokémafia [INNOCENTS WIN]

    Re: DIY Pokémafia [DAY 4] I never said that one of your theories was correct, but simply that a theory is correct. Whether or not you have thought of this yet still remains to be seen. Also, because this is the first post on Page Five: Stormecho: DragonairI liek Squirtles: Squirtle...
  4. zeKieranator

    DarkAura vs zeKieranator(Ref: Skyman)

    Nice work there, Rebecca. Let's use our own Double Team to make five clones - if you can't do that many, work with whatever you've got. Then, use Swift to clear away his clones, and finish off with an Energy Ball. If at any point Tirtouga tries to use Surf or Earthquake to clear away your...
  5. zeKieranator

    DIY Pokémafia [INNOCENTS WIN]

    Re: DIY Pokémafia [DAY 3] The next morning, the townspeople awake, and expect to find another scene of carnage, as there was yesterday. However, the town is oddly quiet. There are no bodies to be found, yet a strange presence lurks over the area... 48 hours to discuss.
  6. zeKieranator

    Bank of TCoD

    +$4, +$4, +$4 and +$4 makes +$16 overall.
  7. zeKieranator

    [11] Kratos Aurion vs Superbird (Ref: zeKieranator)

    Yes, you are supposed to attack first - I had just looked over the thread and saw that you had posted first, so I figured that Superbird would go first this time. I'll go and fix that.
  8. zeKieranator

    DarkAura vs zeKieranator(Ref: Skyman)

    O.K., sounds fun. In that case, use Protect for the first action (since Tirtouga already has 100% Energy, Protect will have the nice advantage of wasting his team's chills). Then, if the arena is the volcano, jump in to the river to activate Flash Fire, but otherwise, crush him with a nice fun...
  9. zeKieranator

    Pathos vs. Ampharos

    Team Pathos bulbasaurCheryl (♀) Ability: Overgrow Health: 100% Energy: 77% Item: black-sludge Status: That was tiring. Commands: Sleep Powder ~ Sleep Powder / Leech Seed ~ Sleep Powder / Leech Seed / Substitute (15%) Team Ampharos wailmerSisavac (♀) Ability: Oblivious Health: 84% Energy: 87%...
  10. zeKieranator

    [11] Big Red Cherry Bomb vs zeKieranator

    Alright then. Let's use a Large Substitute, to block out Will-o-Wisp. Then, Reflect those nasty Aerial Aces away, and finally, use your super-effective Stone Edge. Substitute (20%) ~ Reflect ~ Stone Edge
  11. zeKieranator

    [11] Kratos Aurion vs Superbird (Ref: zeKieranator)

    Team Kratos Aurion Stoutland (♂) Ability: Sand Rush Health: 100% Energy: 100% Commands: Yawn ~ Surf / Yawn / Rock Tomb ~ Work Up / Yawn / Surf Team Superbird Volcarona (♀) Ability: Flame Body Health: 100% Energy: 100% Commands: Will-o-Wisp / Quiver Dance ~ Quiver Dance / Will-o-wisp ~...
  12. zeKieranator

    I was not aware that the tournament had started early, no - I had assumed that it would start on...

    I was not aware that the tournament had started early, no - I had assumed that it would start on June 1st as planned, so I didn't think to keep checking. However, now that I know about it, I've already started working on it. Thanks for letting me know.
  13. zeKieranator

    [11] Big Red Cherry Bomb vs zeKieranator

    I'll choose Mienshao.
  14. zeKieranator

    The Long Word Game

  15. zeKieranator

    DarkAura vs zeKieranator(Ref: Skyman)

    Alrighty then! I haven't been in a battle in a very long time, so I'll hope for the best and (to prevent Attract) send out Rebecca.
  16. zeKieranator

    DIY Pokémafia [INNOCENTS WIN]

    Re: DIY Pokémafia [DAY 3] The sun sets, but not before the townspeople choose a victim. They bring Squirtle to the center of the town square, and, as before, they stand back and release a volley of attacks against him. However, Squirtle appears to calmly accept his fate, and does not even...
  17. zeKieranator

    SomeGuy vs. Mad MOAI

    Team SomeGuy vulpixFirefox (♀) Ability: Chlorophyll Health: 49% Energy: 38% +1 Attack, +1 Defense, -1 Speed Status: Stupid sand. Commands: Energy Ball ~ Iron Tail ~ Disable (Stone Edge) Team Mad MOAI nosepassLuminas (♂) Ability: Magnet Pull Health: 89% Energy: 82% -2 Special Attack Status...
  18. zeKieranator

    DIY Pokémafia [INNOCENTS WIN]

    Re: DIY Pokémafia [DAY 3] The sun rises, and the citizens wake to a new day. Unfortunately, this day will be worse than the rest. In the city square lie the bodies of not one, not two, but three bodies, all of whom were innocent. This does not bode well for the townspeople... Kingdra's body...
  19. zeKieranator

    DIY Pokémafia [INNOCENTS WIN]

    Re: DIY Pokémafia [DAY 2] The sun sets, and eventually, the villagers come to a decision. They take Dusclops from the crowd and, with some forcing, push him to the center of the square. Then, with another burst of attacks, they blast through his body, ripping apart his internal organs...
  20. zeKieranator

    League Championship 2011

    I'll sign up as a player, and if there aren't enough referees, I'll ref as well.
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