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Re: DIY Pokémafia [DAY 2]

Thanks for updating that, Seri. I completely forgot to do so! >_<

And yes, I have a night action. Though I know there are roles with a day-action or something. I know we definitely have healers and inspectors, but we probably also have some or all of the following:

•self-healer(every other turn; could be the cause of the lack of death last night)
•De-Alienator (deactivates Alien at the cost of giving them an extra life)
•Person who sacrifices their life to change day into night.
•And Roleblocker. Also possible cause of lack of death.
And this claim comes from where?

Anyhow. So, it appears RK-9 wasn't mafia. Makes me wonder about that strange statement that led to lynching in the first place, though.
Re: DIY Pokémafia [DAY 2]

i didnt have a useful role.i never had a role with a night action
Re: DIY Pokémafia [DAY 2]

First, reposting player list for page 3.

1. Stormecho - Dragonair
2. I Liek Squirtles - Squirtle
3. RK-9 - Bisharp
4. ole_Schooler - Houndoom
5. Glace - Glaceon
6. Mai - Swoobat
7. Legendaryseeker99 - Chandelure
8. Chief Zackrai - Dusclops
9. Superbird - Ditto
10. Seritinajii - Kingdra
11. DarkAura - Charizard
12. Squirrel - Altaria
13. Parasitic - Zoroark
14. Metallica Fanboy - Magikarp
15. Ya Ok - Gengar

And this claim comes from where?

My role. I was the variable and those were the roles I was presented with. I chose Roleblocker.

And DarkAura, you're not supposed to post at all after you're dead. Please refrain from doing so.
Re: DIY Pokémafia [DAY 2]

I get to kill someone after my death. Something about the hounds of hell holding on to life longer than they should. Makes a kind of sense, I guess.

Somewhat unrelatedly, the variable role often gets the choice of choosing between Mafia and townies. If we have no other leads, we could vote for Superbird on the off-chance they got the choice and their choice was Mafia.
Re: DIY Pokémafia [DAY 2]

My role. I was the variable and those were the roles I was presented with. I chose Roleblocker.
Well, I'm not sure how that means these roles are probably in the game and not merely possibilities available to you.

It's true that a Ditto copies from others, but, some of those don't seem befitting of the Pokemon hereby chosen. Particularly not the changing day into night thing -- from our list, the closest you get to that is Zoroark and Dusclops, and they both have many other options more befitting of them.
Re: DIY Pokémafia [DAY 2]

O.K. By my count, you have about nine hours left in the day phase, and none of you have voted. If there are still no votes, I might extend the day phase for a limited amount of time, or let the last person to have died (that is, DarkAura) decide who to kill. So, if you have any idea who you want to vote for, post soon.

Also, Seritinajii, there are no vanilla roles. Everybody has some unique part to play.
Re: DIY Pokémafia [DAY 2]

*sigh* Anyone have ideas? Or should we just go with a random/inactive lynch?
Re: DIY Pokémafia [DAY 2]

Well, the only person hasn't posted...

Chief Zackrai

EDIT: For now. If anyone has any hints or better suggestions, I'll switch my vote.
Re: DIY Pokémafia [DAY 2]

The sun sets, and eventually, the villagers come to a decision.

They take Dusclops from the crowd and, with some forcing, push him to the center of the square. Then, with another burst of attacks, they blast through his body, ripping apart his internal organs.

Suddenly, the voice of Reshiram is heard from the sky above, saying one word - "Innocent." Those who do not help do not have to hurt, after all. The citizens return home, hoping that the Mafia will once again be generous and spare them from death tonight.

Chief Zackrai is dead. He was innocent.

48 hours for night actions.
Re: DIY Pokémafia [DAY 3]

The sun rises, and the citizens wake to a new day. Unfortunately, this day will be worse than the rest.

In the city square lie the bodies of not one, not two, but three bodies, all of whom were innocent. This does not bode well for the townspeople...

Kingdra's body is floating in the fountain, yet strangely, there are no wounds on his body. Glaceon and Swoobat, on the other hand, are lying next to each other next to the fountain. Glaceon's body was covered in white, and Swoobat's had a large, heart-shaped mark on them.

Time is running out...

Seritinajii is dead. He was innocent.

Mai is dead. They were innocent.

Glace is dead. They were innocent.

48 hours to discuss.
Re: DIY Pokémafia [DAY 3]

...Oh god this isn't good.

I'd love to say that Mai hit a Nexus with Heart Stamp, but...

And how does white come into the picture? Wait...could it have come from an Altaria?
Re: DIY Pokémafia [DAY 3]

See, I would have guessed that it was Glace that got hit by the Mafia, and Mai was their lover and died because they did. Alternatively, "covered in white" sounds like Safeguard or something. Could it be we have two healers, and Glace got killed by overdose? Dunno about Seritinajii, though. No marks suggests mod-kill, but I don't know why they would be mod-killed.
Re: DIY Pokémafia [DAY 3]

Well, modkill isn't a possibility here. Last time we had a modkill, we were told.

Yep, it does seem likely that Glace and Mai were lovers. That would also sort of explain why we had freezing on the first night, assuming Glace did it.

"Covered in white" is a pretty vague characteristic. I'll assume this is supposed to describe an aura or something not exactly physical.

1. Stormecho - Dragonair
2. I Liek Squirtles - Squirtle
3. RK-9 - Bisharp
4. ole_Schooler - Houndoom
5. Glace - Glaceon
6. Mai - Swoobat

7. Legendaryseeker99 - Chandelure
8. Chief Zackrai - Dusclops
9. Superbird - Ditto
10. Seritinajii - Kingdra
11. DarkAura - Charizard

12. Squirrel - Altaria
13. Parasitic - Zoroark
14. Metallica Fanboy - Magikarp
15. Ya Ok - Gengar

A little afterthought, I just noticed Glace and Mai were next to each other on the list.
Re: DIY Pokémafia [DAY 3]


This is not good. The list is getting shorter and we have less options. :/ No idea what's with the deaths, alas - covered in white is really... weird.
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